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Park Workshops

DIY Alarm Clock

9. February 2022 at 17:00

Workshop for young people and adults in Rampa / Lab, Likozarjeva ulica 1 (Kersnikova bell), Ljubljana

Circadian* or day-night rhythm is one of the biological rhythms that are characteristic of living beings and represent a way of adapting organisms to the environment. Biochemical, physiological and behavioral processes are subordinated to this 24-hour cycle. In the body we have both central clocks, which are reset daily with light, and other biological peripheral clocks. We will learn more about circadian rhythms and the circadian clock, and we will also learn why a balanced rhythm is important and what are the consequences of its disturbances.

Once we have mastered the basic knowledge of biological rhythm, we will start ‘hands-on’ work! From electronic components and a wooden case, we will make an alarm clock that will be triggered in the morning light by waking up together with the sun, which will help us establish a constant rhythm. We will also be able to equip the alarm clock with a nap in a special way.

* The term comes from Latin – circa diem means about one day.


The number of participants is limited. Applications at

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Verification of the PCT condition is mandatory for all those over 12 years of age, and a valid identity document is required. The mask is mandatory in enclosed public spaces, only a surgical mask or FFP2 type mask is allowed. The mask is optional for

  • children up to the age of 6,
  • speakers in enclosed public spaces, provided that a distance of at least 3 meters is provided,
  • persons with special needs who are prevented from using a protective mask for objective reasons,

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