
Tactics&Practice: (re)programming / podcast
The second podcast series of the Tactics&Practice programme, with which Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Arts complements the discursive programme of the konS ≡ Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art, is a revival of the 2021 festival of conversations (re)programming: Strategies for Self-Renewal. This podcast series will revisit the conversations conceived and hosted by the writer and technology journalist Marta Peirano.

Tactics&Practice: Scale / podcast
Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Arts is expanding its discursive programme Tactics&Practice, which focuses on exploratory art, society and new technologies, with a podcast. The first series of five episodes completed the 14th edition of Tactics&Practice with the topic Scale. Journalist and researcher Neja Berger followed all the events that took place in Ljubljana in the spring of 2023 and interviewed some of the protagonists.

Andy Gracie: 2.8B420K / artist talk
2.8 billion years from now, the average global temperature on Earth will reach 147 Celsius. The final vestiges of life, simple sub-terrestrial microbes taking refuge at the poles, will become extinct. This hugely significant moment in Earth’s history will pass unnoticed. The project 2.8B420K proposes a monument, known as ‘The Object’, to commemorate this transition from biological to post-biological, and mark the end of all life on Earth.

Scales of Realtime
New human-to-machine interfaces allow for more intuitive interactions with spatial information and digital processes; from the scale of the smart city, where computational systems regulate movement, to the optimised home, where technologies of efficiency and monitoring produce informational subjects. This lecture lays out the consequences of these multiscalar realtimes and outlines the blind spots of supposedly all-immersive, all-seeing technical systems, showing how such systems foreclose urban futures outside the purview of military, security and financial motives.

Shifting Scales: Visions, Politics and Infrastructural Violence in a More-Than-Human Planet
What do nano materials and aerial technologies, sound waves and global-scale computation, optical engineering and energy networks, microchips and global warming, the H2O molecule and AI training datasets, your domestic routines and global policies have in common? They either exist or operate beyond the visible spectrum, beyond our ability to see them and develop a conversational membrane with them. In order to cope with these phenomena, we need to develop the ability to think larger or smaller than the human scale.

This conference brings together artists, hackers and researchers to critically examine the shift in digital culture from open sharing to crypto-based forms of ownership. Is this the ultimate triumph of financialisation, or are there openings for different property regimes and thus new forms of art and culture?

The paradoxes of smart communities
How do the wishes and possibilities of the urban center differ from the rural periphery, and what are some of the Slovenian peculiarities of the development of the user experience?

The participation of art in innovation for the future
Arts and other creative disciplines will make a decisive contribution to the common better future. The round table presented views on the field of interdisciplinary innovation and offered some examples of good practice.

(re)programming: Strategies for Self-Renewal
(re)programming – Strategies for Self-Renewal is a festival of conversations with world-class thinkers debating key issues, from infrastructure and energy to community and AI, curated and conducted by writer and journalist Marta Peirano. The series consists of 8 streaming events taking place every third Monday of the month throughout the year 2021.

MoneyLab #8: Minting a Fair Society
MoneyLab #8, the first-ever in a post-socialist country and the first-ever virtual edition, features examples far from the mainstream media spotlight. It zooms in on the effects of offshore finance and explores counter-experiments in the realms of housing, care work, and blockchain technology. In the fringes, something interesting is happening: blockchain is no longer just another tool for capitalist growth obsessions, and people are realising radical visions for fairly-waged care work, redistributed wealth, equitable social relations, and strong grassroots communities.