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Nova Events

#drugiVJMonday @ Incubator: Cryptoevangelist

11. May 2021 at 20:00

video dialog, Kulturni inkubator, Koroška c. 18, Maribor

MKC Maribor, in collaboration with konS platform, International Festival of Computer Arts (IFCA),  Kreativni inštitut Maribor and Sonda Foundation (Ustanova fundacija sonda), invites you to a video dialogue of indoor and outdoor space every second Monday of the month, which can be seen in the Cultural Incubator (Kulturni inkubator Maribor) on Koroška ulica 18.

The series of visual evenings #drugiVJponedeljek brings creative interventions of moving images into the public space through a regular art program, developing and establishing an audio-visual community and a network of local, regional, national and international authors. Every second Monday of the month, the Cultural Incubator will host VJ artists or an artist who presents her/his work to visitors and thus contributes to the content revitalization of Koroška Street in Maribor.

As part of the fourth edition of the #drugiVJponedeljek events, a performance Cryptocurrency by a pseudonymous artists Kriptoevangelist will be presented.