Our clothes say a lot about us, but none say as much as PiksLBroška. You can use it to determine exactly what she will say and she doesn’t have to say anything about you, she can print any text that you program into her chip! In the workshop, you will make a brooch on which you will program a text or even a pixel image via a microcontroller, which will then be displayed as a short animation.
PixeLBrooch is not only the first workshop with which we weave cooperation with KMŠ, it is also the first workshop that was developed in Maribor as part of the konS project!
Applications https://www.1ka.si/a/338773
konS MB x KMŠ
The Maribor Students’ Club and the KonS – Platform for Contemporary Research Art have joined forces and in the coming months are preparing interesting intermedia adventures for students in the field of the intersection of science, art and technology. Since intermedia art includes all possible forms of engagement, from purely technological activities to conversations, everyone who is interested in new discoveries is invited to the project! You have more opportunities to collaborate. You can join us for monthly workshops where we will solder, assemble, research,… you can join the team of workshop developers, or you can train to be a workshop mentor!