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Panel konS ≡ Practice

The first speakers at the konS ≡ Practice panel were Miha Turšič (Waag) and Dr. Špela Petrič, who are not only artists, but also researchers and vice versa. They presented their artistic and research and educational practices in the field of questioning the use of technology, while at the same time as active creators on the emerging platform between contemporary research art and innovation for a more sustainable, inclusive and ethical tomorrow.

Martin Honzik, Director of Ars Electronica Linz, and fellow Veronika Liebl, presented the S+T+ARTS initiative, through which the European Commission is focusing on projects and people who can make a significant contribution to efforts to maximise the potential of science, technology and the arts to deliver the innovations needed to tackle the societal, ecological and economic challenges that Europe will face in the near future.

Rodolfo Groenewoud van Vliet, co-founder and CEO of In4Art, presented the possible synergies between economics, business and art, on which he develops methods for an artistic approach to innovation, based on the fundamental postulate that art is a powerful driver of responsible innovation. Art-driven innovation is an opportunity to generate ideas and integrate lessons from artistic experimentation in technological and social fields in the pursuit of more responsible innovation. He argued that by combining breakthrough technologies, the sustainable development goals and works of art, a new playing field is being created for open innovation and strategic choices for regenerative and distributive economic and social progress that can contribute to a more sustainable future.

Žiga Lampe, Associate of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, who, as a consultant in the project office, is opening up links between the creative industries and traditional industries. He highlighted the contribution of design thinking to the design of services to support innovation in companies and presented (international) projects that promote the exchange of good practices in linking artistic thinking with innovation.

Photo: Katja Goljat/ konS archive