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Nova Projects


Miha Godec, OctoSens community

OctoSens is an 8-channel interface that allows the reception of signals from various analogue and digital sensors and their calibration. This multi-sensorial synthesiser was developed by the OctoSens community, advocating active peer collaboration and the principles of democratic co-design. The community amalgamates different generations and professions, ranging from engineers, artists, and students to audio-electronics enthusiasts. Committed to the free flow of knowledge, it invents creative ways to pass on the acquired skills and expand locally and beyond.At the exhibition konSekvence ≡  Fragments of a Possible Ecosystem, the OctoSens features as a product/tool within Δ, a sound installation by artist Miha Godec. By installing various sensors on the smart garden StellaVerde and feeding signals to the OctoSens, the artist has generated a constantly changing sound composition that responds to external stimuli.

Production: Projekt Atol Institute, Youth Centre Velenje
Technical and development support: David Drolc, Gregor Krpič, Jakob Grčman, Simon Turnšek and other members of  the OctoSens community (Jakob Grčman, Simon Macuh, Lan Štokelj, Simon Turnšek in Igor Vuk), mentored by Václav Peloušek

Foto: Katja Goljat, Matjaž Rušt/arhiv konS


Miha Godec is an artist, photographer, mentor and lecturer. His creative practice, which lies at the intersection of science, art and new technologies, focuses on the development of new interdisciplinary projects, experimenting with water extraction and purification, investigating the consequences of anthropogenic impact on aquatic ecosystems and the sonification properties of water.

OctoSens is a community-based project, which started as a part of an art residency. During the creation of a multi-sensorial synthesizer, a community started to form, we call it the OctoSens community, a community of electronic sound creators, makers, audio enthusiasts, and sound designers. OctoSens was designed by: Jakob Grčman, Simon Macuh, Vaclav Peloušek, Lan Štokelj, Simon Turnšek, Rea Vogrinčič and Igor Vuk.