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Nova Projects


In the framework of konS, Projekt Atol will produce and manage a mobile ecological laboratory with the working name ISOLAB 3000, which will be equipped with systems for receiving, processing and visualising data gathered by remote sensing and mobile environmental sensor networks. It will also serve as an emergency mobile environmental station.

The modular laboratory will include a reception system (a satellite ground station), an unmanned aircraft control system and a data storage and distribution system. The laboratory will also include a smaller mobile supercomputer cluster for machine learning, big data processing, generating visualisations and real-time mapping.

The mobile laboratory is intended to be used for artistic and scientific purposes as a production environment/tool and for stationary environmental interventions in which the need arises for quick access to and processing of complex,interrelated data fields.

The laboratory’s goals are to:

  • Provide access to a high-performance and compact computer cluster for various forms of machine learning;
  • Provide access to a high-performance and compact computer cluster for the preparation of dynamic and statistical visualisations;
  • Provide quick access to satellite data of remote sensing both from the Slovenian satellite NEMO-HD and other freely accessible satellite networks such as SENTINEL and commercial providers such as the US company PLANET;
  • Access and develop mobile and compact environmental sensor networks;
  • Enable the control and operations of remote sensing with unmanned aircrafts;
  • Enable the participation of the users of all these systems in scientific and artistic-scientific projects.

ISOLAB will cooperate with C-ASTRAL, SINERGISE, PLANET and the Slovenian Centre of Excellence for Space Sciences and Technologies SPACE-SI and other actors and content providers of the konS project.