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Nova Projects

The Birth and Death of the Microcosm: Exploring the Unbearable Lightness of Co-existence with Yeasts

Andrej Firm, Monika Pocrnjić

In the exhibition The Birth and Death of the Microcosm ≡ Exploring the Unbearable Lightness of Co-existence with Yeasts, Monika Pocrnjić and Andrej Firm take a unique perspective on highlighting the interconnectedness between micro-organisms, humans and the environment through art.


Andrej Firm is currently working as a freelance photographer, photography workshop tutor, set designer and lighting designer at GT22, Maribor.

Monika Pocrnjić is an intermedia artist. She works in the fields of DIY electronics, drawing and puppet theatre. She lives in Ruše, works in Maribor and abroad.