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Park Workshops

Paths of interspecies communication

15. March 2021 at 17:00

worshop for children 8-13, Local Patriot, Novo mesto

Discover the sound world of animals by using a silent disco system (short-range FM transmitter and receiver)!

Active listening is encouraged with questions, and upgraded by providing new information through interesting activation orders. During the workshop, participants learn about the differences between sound communication and sound creativity of different animal species, which extend to what animals communicate, why they communicate, and now their sounds can be understood as an expression of sound creativity.

Can humans also communicate with other animals through sound? Can you create sound art with them?

The mentor also has a microphone for direct communication with the participants, with which he can record and perform, if necessary, if the planned – and unforeseen – tasks are performed together with the children.


Mandatory equipment: weather-appropriate clothing and footwear.
Location: MC Oton, Župančičevo sprehajališče 1, Novo mesto



Uršek Slivšek

a graduate psychologist (Leiden University, The Netherlands), has experience in the fields of research, creation, cognition, learning, pedagogy and activism. He has been a long-term collaborator with youth organizations (Socially Integrated, Association of Friends of Youth Moste-Polje) and academic organizations (Leiden University Pride, LU Green Office). He has led workshops for children with special needs, children from socially disadvantaged families and marginalized groups. His work is based on the ethical principles of solidarity and understanding of psychological factors on individual development.

Katarina Radaljac

activist and master of musicology, she dedicates her research to the music of non-human animals in interactions with them – connecting various scientific and artistic fields such as zoomusicology, applied ethnomusicology, interdisciplinary art, human-animal studies, animal ethics and others. In 2019, he successfully curated the first edition of the transcendental music cycle – animotMUZIK, and in January 2021 his second edition.


Authors and mentors of the workshop: Katarina Radaljac in Uršek Slivšek
Coordinator: Irena Pivka
Technical supervisor: Brane Zorman
Ilustrator: Nea Likar

Production: Zavod Cona