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konS modul Maribor 2022 - festival delavnic: Programme

modul ≡ Zvočni[K]rožnik

7. June 2022 at 17:00

Delavnica Zavoda Kersnikova za otroke od 9 do 14 let v Modni hiši Maribor, Partizanska cesta

Zvočniki nas spremljajo na vsakem koraku: v trgovinah, avtomobilih, na koncertih… še s sabo jih nosimo, ker se skrivajo v telefonih.


modul ≡ Nalepkomanija

8. June 2022 at 17:00

Delavnica KreatorLaba za otroke od 9 do 14 let v Modni hiši Maribor, Partizanska cesta

Delavnica spoznavanja orodja foilcutter Cricut - priročen strojček za digitalno fabrikacijo najrazličnejših izdelkov s katerim režemo folijo za tekstil, samolepilno folijo za nalepke, karton in papir.


modul ≡ DJ workshop

9. June 2022 at 17:00

Alphawave workshop for children aged 9 to 14 at the Maribor Fashion House, Partizanska cesta

For all who would like to learn more about how to start DJing, and where to get information if we want to educate ourselves in this area in more detail.


modul ≡ Zvočni mikroskop

10. June 2022 at 17:00

Delavnica Zavoda Cona za otroke od 9 do 14 let v Modni hiši Maribor, Partizanska cesta

Slišati in ustvarjati zvok vsakdanjih predmetov in hkrati sestaviti mehansko napravo za poslušanje komaj zaznavnih, tihih zvokov, to je zvočni mikroskop.


modul ≡ Fon:Drašler:Kobal

10. June 2022 at 21:00

Improvisational concert at the Modna hiša Maribor

The first week of the Workshop Festival concludes with a unique improvisational concert by masters of experimental electronic sounds: a journey through sound landscapes with Andrej Fon, Vid Drašler and Andrej Kobal.


modul ≡ Tara Pattenden: TEENSYnth

11. June 2022 at 17:00

Delavnica Zavoda Projekt Atol za mladino in odrasle v Modni hiši Maribor, Partizanska cesta

Spoznajmo zvočne možnosti, ki jih ponuja razvojna ploščica Teensy 3.2, ter z dodajanjem nekaterih osnovnih elektronskih komponent sestavimo elektronsko zvočilo.


modul ≡ Tara Pattenden: TEENSYnth

13. June 2022 at 17:00

Workshop of the Projekt Atol Institute for children aged 9 to 14 at the Modna hiša Maribor, Partizanska cesta

Let's get to know the sound possibilities offered by the Teensy 3.2 development board, and assemble an electronic speaker by adding some basic electronic components.


modul ≡ LegoRobotika

14. June 2022 at 17:00

Delavnica za otroke od 9 do 14 let v Modni hiši Maribor, Partizanska cesta

Spoznajmo se z legom in robotiko: kako se kaj naredi, programira, da "v igrici deluje" in koliko razmišljanja in truda je potrebno za to, lotimo pa se tudi 3D oblikovanja.


modul ≡ BridA: Manufacture of spacecraft

15. June 2022 at 17:00

Bride workshop for children aged 9 to 14 at the Maribor Fashion House, Partizanska cesta

Using a variety of materials and a great deal of artistic inspiration, we make a spacecraft: we assemble rocket models that will be able to take off with the help of water pressure.


modul ≡ Stories from the under-mushroom world

16. June 2022 at 17:00

Kersnikova workshop for children aged 9 to 14 at the Modna hiša Maribor, Partizanska cesta

We prepare a unique view of the magical forest, where mushrooms come to life, through a playful installation, for which we will make our own imaginary sponges, which we will equip with colored LED lights and electronics.


modul ≡ mp3ggerS

17. June 2022 at 17:00

UNG workshop for young people and adults at the Maribor Fashion House, Partizanska cesta

Meterialize your new soft-trigger paper with computer-assisted techniques (laser cutting, foil cutter and ironing) and hand sewing.
