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Nova Projects


Andrej Žižek

Project city{making}sense (hereinafter: C {M} S) is an artistic-scientific exploration of urban space in the field of smart city development and related surveillance, artificial intelligence (AI) and big data (BIG data).Complexity theory highlights the so called. “feedback loops” as a central feature of complex systems.

The cities of the future are cities that use sensor infrastructure in an organic way to “feel” and connect reaction. These, in turn, are connected by a “rational set,” City AI. Such a design of the sensor network ensures the appropriate complexity of the response and the implementation of the feedback loop.


Author: Andrej Žižek with IRNAS Institut
Production: MKC Maribor (2023)
Project development within konS – Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art, which was chosen on the public call for the selection of the operations “Network of Investigative Art and Culture Centres”. The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union.


Andrej Žižek is an architect, urban planner and researcher influencing information technology and open data on urban transformation. He is the co-founder of the Maribor laboratory for digital fabrication KreatorLab, a platform for citizen science and knowledge transfer in the field of modern fabrication and information technologies. He is a co-worker of the DOBA Faculty in the field of smart city management, and a co-worker in the project of researching the sustainability of metropolitan centres. He is author of multiple scientific articles in the field of urban researches, author of numerous architectural projects, and co-author of several exhibitions in the field of architecture and space.