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Nova Projects


Dorotea Dolinšek

The development of modern space technology hinges on our understanding of interstellar space and life on Earth. Inspired by the latest efforts in astrobiology and prototypes for the terraforming of planets that people are to inhabit in the future, the artist has developed a machine that automatically enriches Martian regolith. Regolith is a mixture of oxides, composed artificially based on the analysis of Martian soil performed by the Curiosity rover, and a model soybean organism (Glycine max) is planted in it. The artist then waters the plant with a mixture of organic substances that fall off the human body, and as these organic substances and minerals gradually decompose inside regolith, which travels on a conveyor belt, they allow the formation of soil that can sustain microorganisms and plants. Terraforming is recorded in a diary where all donations of organic nutrients and information such as time, temperature and moisture are carefully documented. The diary is therefore used to monitor the data about the microatmosphere, based on which additional quantities of organic substances needed to transform anorganic regolith into fertile soil are measured. As we become aware that the process of this transformation takes time, we are faced with the experience of the deep time that is required to repair something and is usually unimaginable to us.

The ‘TerraPort’ project is an attempt to critically reflect on the challenges of the Anthropocene, in which we are faced with harmful human activity on planet Earth. The project is one of the possible scenarios for a radical concern for other – non-human – agents and a call for an active response to the pressing ecological challenges. In this work, which is the first in a series of projects stimulated by the experience of how fragile the planet in a deep ecological crisis really is, the artist uses her entire female body to contribute to the projects of fertility undertaken by future interplanetary civilisations.


Construction: Jože Zajc
Programming and 3D modelling: Jakob Grčman
Glass shaping: Zvonko Drobnič
Expert assistance: Kristijan Tkalec
Lighting design and technical support: Jure Sajovic, Simon Gmajner
Acknowledgements: Robert Černelč, Sašo Sedlaček (Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana), dr. Marko Flajšman (Department of Agronomy, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana), Exolith Lab / University of Central Florida
Photo: Matjaž Rušt

The project is produced by Kersnikova Institute / Kapelica Gallery with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and City of Ljubljana – Department for Culture.


Doroteja Dolinšek was born in Kranj in 1994. After graduating from the High School of Design and Photography in Ljubljana, where she studied industrial design, she continued her education at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice (Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia). Under the mentorship of Professor Gianluigi Bellucci, she graduated in painting in October 2019. She continues her postgraduate studies in the Video and New Media program at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana, which is led by professors Sašo Sedlaček and Robert Černelč.