konS modul Novo mesto 2022: Programme

modul ≡ Saša Spačal: The diameter is a loop: cricket farm
17. June - 9. July 2022
Art production at 18 Rozmanova Street, in the former “Čop Workshop”, Novo mesto
The sound object, which combines a musical composition with elements of a terrarium and a cricket farm, derives from the artist's critical reflection on human impact on the ecosystem.

modul ≡ Michele Spanghero: Ad Lib.
17. June - 9. July 2022
Art project at Ulica talcev 1, in the former store "Pola Bekeraj", Novo mesto
Ad lib. combines a medical machine for automatic lung ventilation with organ flutes that play a musical chord in a constant rhythm of mechanical breathing that metaphorically sounds like a mechanical requiem.

modul ≡ Laurits Jongejan: Sanctuary of Holy Fear
17. June - 9. July 2022
Art project on Glavni trg 5, in the former "OnaOn" store, Novo mesto
The artwork of Danish composer Laurits Esben Jongejan was inspired by experiences from traditional Japanese Shinto shrines in which ghosts inhabit various buildings.

modul ≡ constructive about konS – panel discussion
20. June 2022 at 19:00
Panel discussion at MC Oton, Župančičevo sprehajališče 1, Novo mesto
konS - The Platform for Contemporary Research Arts is an open and evolving structure that seeks to establish links between communities, knowledge institutions, research centers and the economy.

modul ≡ Andrej Fon: Sound Walk
21. June 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for children from the age of 7 in MC Oton, Župančičevo sprehajališče 1, Novo mesto
The workshop encourages children to listen to sounds while wandering the streets, park or nature, its purpose is to arouse interest in the soundscape of the surroundings and the perception of everyday sounds.

modul ≡ Coexistence of formal and non-formal education
22. June 2022 at 19:00
Panel discussion in front of MC Oton, Župančičevo sprehajališče 1, Novo mesto
Non-formal education, innovative approaches to knowledge transfer and concern for the development of main potentials are some of the highlights of the konS platform and consortium partners.

module ≡ Jakob Grčman: Sound[P]Late
23. June 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for children aged 9 to 14 in MC Oton, Župančičevo sprehajališče 1, Novo mesto
Speakers accompany us every step of the way: in shops, cars, at concerts… we still carry them with us because they are hidden in our phones. Do you know how they work and how you can make them yourself?

Tadej Droljc: Dinner with a hyperobject
24. June - 16. July 2022
Audiovisual installation in SImulaker Gallery, Novo mesto
"The world has become a laboratory of philosophy [1], as technology first came to the forefront, not man or nature. Technology first subsumed nature and then turned to man."