
Tactics&Practice [podcast]: (re)programming
The second podcast series of the Tactics&Practice programme, with which Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Arts complements the discursive programme of the konS ≡ Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art, is a revival of the 2021 festival of conversations (re)programming: Strategies for Self-Renewal. This podcast series will revisit the conversations conceived and hosted by the writer and technology journalist Marta Peirano.

Publication of Sanela Jahić’s book Under the Calculative Gaze
After two successful installations in the Under the Calculative Gaze project, which confronts concrete examples of the use of artificial intelligence as a tool of exclusion with examples of collective practices of self-organisation and solidarity, author Sanela Jahić presents the findings of her critically oriented research on the social applications of artificial intelligence in a book.

konS presents a number of productions at the Ars Electronica Festival 2023
Ars Electronica, the most important international digital art festival in Linz, also hosts members of the consortium konS ≡ Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art, their productions and participating artists. The educational programme konS ≡ PARK - Academy for Contemporary Investigative Art, the smart garden prototype StellaVarde and the SPEKTR Z laboratory are presented. Artists Zoran Srdić Janežič with the Biobot project, Špela Petrič and Dorotea Dolinšek in artist residencies, and consortium partners Projekt Atol Institute and the Academy of Arts of the University of Nova Gorica are highlighted.

kons ≡ PARK na Pikinem festivalu
S tremi delavnicami iz bogatega nabora našega izobraževalnega programa konS ≡ PARK bomo gostovali na največjem otroškem festivalu v Sloveniji – 34. Pikinem festivalu. Pikin Festival je letos zagnal časovni stroj in konS delavnice boste našli v prihodnosti – na balkonu Rdeče dvorane v Velenju. Izdelali bomo solarni zvočnik, oživljali narisane žužke in spoznali sferifikacijo.

Razprava ob predstavitvi umetniške raziskave Atlas Slovenija
Ob odprtju razstave v Galeriji Simulaker, na kateri je transdisciplinarni umetnik Miha Turšič predstavil umetniško raziskavo Atlas Slovenija, so v strokovni razpravi poleg avtorja umetniškega projekta sodelovali umetnostna zgodovinarka dr. Beti Žerovc, inženir geodezije in doktor znanosti dr. Aleš Marsetič ter kurator Galerije Simulaker Adrijan Praznik.

Špela Petrič is a guest of this year’s ArtScience residency
As part of this year's ArtScience residency, which Ars Electronica is calling for with the Deutsche Telekom Art Collection, Dr Špela Petrič, an intermedia artist and researcher, will be developing her project AIxxxNOSOGRAPHIES, which focuses on the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare.

Aksioma complements the konS Discursive Programme with a podcast channel
Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Arts, which has contributed to the konS ≡ Platform for Contemporary Investigative Arts with a thematically diverse discursive programme, is expanding its activities with the Tactics&Practice podcast. This is an audio extension of Aksioma's discursive programme of the same name, which focuses on research arts, society and new technologies.

Dorotea Dolinšek in residence at the BioLab of the Ars Electronica Centre
Ljubljana-based post-media artist Dorotea Dolinšek's project Biosymbiotic Exoskeleton was selected for the European Media Art Platform call for proposals and was awarded a residency at the BioLab of the Ars Electronica Centre. Her project uncovers the secrets of the microbiome and how our symbiotic relationship with micro-organisms affects our well-being.

Počitniško raziskovanje konS ≡ PARK – Akademije za sodobno raziskovalno umetnost
Med poletnimi počitnicami je konS ≡ PARK na široko odprl vrata vedoželjnim radovednežem. Z raziskovalno-ustvarjalnimi delavnicami je otroke in mladino povabil v svet sodobne raziskovalne umetnosti, ki je prepleten z inovativno uporabo starejših in vizionarsko aplikacijo najnovejših tehnologij. Konzorcijski partnerji so stkali nove vezi z lokalnimi skupnostmi, organizatorji raznih počitniških aktivnosti in uveljavljenimi ponudniki kulturne vzgoje na področju sodobne raziskovalne umetnosti.

Pogovor o projektu 2.8B420K
Razprava, v kateri so svoje misli in komentarje ob premierni predstavitvi spekulativnega umetniškega projekta 2.8B420K soočili avtor Andy Gracie ter raziskovalci s področja geologije, antropologije in umetnostne zgodovine Rok Brajkovič, Blaž Vičič, Matthew Wolf-Meyer in Beti Žerovc, je zdaj objavljena na spletu.

Poletne konS ≡ delavnice v Tehnoparku Celje
konS ≡ Platforma za sodobno raziskovalno umetnost nenehno sestavlja poligon za ustvarjalno učenje. Na naših delavnicah igrivo prepletamo sodobne tehnologije s kreativnostjo, krepimo miselne in ročne spretnosti ter odpiramo vrata v svet sodobne raziskovalne umetnosti. To poletje vas med drugim vabimo v Tehnopark Celje, kjer bomo vsak teden raziskovali svet umetnosti, znanosti in tehnologije.

Teden glasbene produkcije 2023
V mariborskem konS vozlišču Kulturni inkubator bo od 3. do 7. julija 2023 potekal Teden glasbene produkcije, ki združuje celodnevno produciranje, glasbene izzive, predavanja o glasbi in glasbenem poslu, predvsem pa ustvarja pogoje za ustvarjalno glasbeno druženje in soustvarjanje.