Ad lib.
Michele Spanghero is a sound and visual artist. His artistic activity ranges from sound art to sculpture and photography. Sound sculpture Ad lib. combines a medical machine for automatic lung ventilation with organ flutes that play a musical chord in a constant rhythm of mechanical breathing. This breathing of an artificial organ sounds metaphorically like a mechanical requiem.
Andy Gracie: Catastrophe Jangled Hideously Out Of Process
The saturation of the media with post-catastrophic images has caused a certain desensitization, and at the same time we are fetishizing this kind of material, we want even more such thorns, our gaze falls into the trap of this reality that has become unusual.
konS ≡ MODUL
The platform establishes an ecosystem of creative activities for the critical development of the future, works on the capacity building and educating the communities for the creative use of high technologies, and thus creates an active network of transdisciplinary activities to promote access to sustainable social and technological innovation. Within this new territory and in cooperation with the 26th Festival of Computer Arts (MFRU), we created the konS modul, where we presented works of contemporary investigative art and focused on topics of artistic production on the crossroads (art-science-technology).
Cosmic Rain
The installation uses muon detectors, which trigger strong flashes of LED lights and resonating beats of electromagnets. In physics, muons are elementary particles that, like electrons, are classified as leptons. On Earth, they are produced when cosmic rays hit the upper layers of the atmosphere.
Interweaving Soundscapes
The 8-channel sound installation links science and art. The installation's composition consists of raw sounds of insect and spider activitythat have subsequently been electronically processed.
Line Rider
Throughout art history, some artworks have been lucky enough to be understood not simply as art, but as useful tools, public spaces, cultural phenomena, or memes. Line Rider is one such artwork.
Biobot: Laboratory situation
Biobot envelops a concept of bringing not only new materials but also new processes into artistic practices and from that emerges a new artistic language. It uses scientific and technological development in a non-scientific way for the artistic composition of a biological and technological body.
A mobile ecological laboratory with the working name ISOLAB 3000, which will be equipped with systems for receiving, processing and visualising data gathered by remote sensing and mobile environmental sensor networks. It will also serve as an emergency mobile environmental station.
Gallus Gallus Roboticus
Emerging project: the website follows the work of speculative design, an autonomous moving machine that will lovingly take care of the chickens and take care of various aspects of the chicken’s needs and desires. Are machines capable of being more human than humans?
Plantporation / Q-modul
A multi-layered entry into the dimension of quantum entanglement and thus into possible theoretical consequences and interactions, including quantum teleportation. The idea is presented from a scientific point of view with various theories that never give us a clear idea of the quantum dimension.