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konS ≡ Zgodbe iz podgobja
30. September 2023 at 10:00
delavnica za otroke in mladostnike v Tehnoparku Celje (Gubčeva ulica 1, Celje)
Se gobe lahko sporazumevajo, odzivajo? Morda celo čutijo? Na delavnici bomo spoznali, kaj si o tem mislijo tako znanstveniki kot umetniki. Svoj pogled na čarobni gozd, kjer gobe oživijo, pa bomo predstavili preko igrive instalacije, za katero bomo izdelali svoje domišljijske gobice, ki jih bomo opremili z barvnimi LED-lučkami in elektroniko, da se bodo ob interakciji odzivale.

Jata C: Kronolit
27. September 19:00 - 26. November 2023
večkanalna zvočna instalacija na Ljubljanskem gradu (Peterokotni stolp)
Bioakustična skupina Jata C v delu Kronolit, sestavljenem iz kompleksne večkanalne zvočne kompozicije in instalacije kamnitih plošč, raziskuje zvočnost in časovne razsežnosti kamnitih struktur ter njihovo trajnost in soodvisnost s človekom. Pri tem prevprašuje, kako poslušati kamen in misliti geološki čas, ali je mogoče preko zvočnosti kamenin razumeti širši družbeni kontekst človekovega nevzdržnega izkoriščanja okolja in morda osvetliti zmožnost pravičnejšega odnosa do narave?

StellaVerde ≡ Pametni vrt
23. September 2023
predstavitev v Xcentru (Delpinova 20, Nova Gorica)
Stella Verde je radikalna oblika natančnega vrtnarjenja (precision farming), ki meri na presonalizirano pridelavo hrane, njeno pripravo in upravljanje z odpadki. Vertikalni vrt je opremljen z najnovejšim senzorskim sistemom za komunikacijo z robotskim pajkom, ki zagotavlja, da vsaka rastlina prejme natančno to, kar potrebuje za rast.

konS ≡ Raziskovalno učenje
20. September 2023 at 19:00
razstava v Xcentru (Delpinova 20, Nova Gorica)
Razstava Raziskovalno učenje bo predstavila konS ≡ PARK – Akademijo za raziskovalno umetnost, ki so jo zgradili partnerji projekta konS ≡ Platforma za sodobno raziskovalno umetnost. Gre za raznoliko interpretacijo koncepta ‘digitalne človečnosti’, ki se osredotoča na mlade in ponuja prostor za izvirne, nepričakovane, nenavadne in navdihujoče poglede na sedanjost in možno prihodnost. Razstava ponazarja praktične primere raziskovalnega učenja, ki tvorijo sinergijo med tehnologijo, kreativnostjo in intermedijsko umetnostjo ter nagovarja slovenski izobraževalni sistem k odzivu na potrebo po inovativnih didaktičnih pristopih in raziskovalnem učenju.

konS ≡ Sferifikacija
13. September 2023 at 16:00
delavnica za otroke na Pikinem festivalu v Velenju (balkon Rdeče dvorane)
Na delavnici se bomo srečali z osnovnimi načeli laboratorijskega dela, izvedli reakcijo sferifikacije, pogovorili pa se bomo tudi o reakcijah, ki jih med kuhanjem morda že izvajajo.

konS ≡ Narisani žužki oživijo
12. September 2023 at 16:00
delavnica za otroke na Pikinem festivalu v Velenju (balkon Rdeče dvorane)
Si se kdaj spraševal_a, kako bi lahko nekaj narisanega na papir oživelo? Si vedel_a, da lahko s posebnim črnilom narišeš žuželko, ki se ki se z malo pomoči elektrike začne premikati? Pridi na delavnico Narisani žužki oživijo in ustvari svojega žužka!

konS ≡ Glasba za lepši dan (Solarzvočnik)
11. September 2023 at 16:00
delavnica za otroke na Pikinem festivalu v Velenju (balkon Rdeče dvorane)
V velenjskem vozlišču je letošnja generacija konS mentorjev in mentoric razvila delavnico izdelovanja solarnega zvočnika. Združuje spoznavanje delovanja sončnih panelov in mikročipa ter učenje spajkanja in priprave SD kartice. prvič jo bomo izvedli v sklopu 34. Pikinega festivala v Velenju.

Apofenija/1 na Bienalu lutkovnih ustvarjalcev Slovenije
7. September 2023 at 17:00
predstava v GT22 v Mariboru (Glavni trg 22)
Predstava Apofenija/1, ki je nastala v produkciji MKC Maribor pod okriljem konS ≡ Platforme za sodobno raziskovalno umetnost, se je uvrstila v spremljevalni program 12. Bienala lutkovnih ustvarjalcev Slovenije. Na sporedu bo v četrtek, 7. septembra, ob 17.00 na odru Lutkovnega gledališča Maribor.

Naj se ti posveti ≡ Delavnica jedkanja tiskanih vezij
6. September 2023 at 17:00
delavnica v Kulturnem inkubatorju (Koroška cesta 18, Maribor)
V mariborskem vozlišču je letošnja generacija konS mentorjev in mentoric razvila delavnico jedkanja tiskanih vezij Naj se ti posveti, na kateri lahko tako otroci kot odrasli iščejo ustvarjalne načine prevajanja električnega toka po poljubno oblikovanem tiskanem vezju.

konS ≡ Ustvarjam z generativno AI
2. September 2023 at 10:00
delavnica v Tehnoparku Celje (Gubčeva ulica 1, Celje)
Te veseli risanje? Znaš svoje risbe s papirja prenesti v digitalni svet? Želiš razširiti meje svoje ustvarjalnosti? Na delavnici Ustvarjam z generativno AI lahko raziskuješ možnosti na presečišču tradicionalnega risanja in najnovejše tehnologije. Z računalniškim orodjem PlaygroundAI lahko obogatiš svoje risbe in jim vdahneš novo življenje.

Glasba je povsod in vse je glasba
29. August 2023 at 16:00
delavnica v Multimedijskem centru Kunigunda, Velenje
Na delavnici ustvarjanja glasbe z (ne)vsakdanjimi predmeti bomo različne zvoke prikrojili za glasbeno kompozicijo. Posneti zvok bo z dodanimi efekti dobil želeno končno podobo, ki jo bomo posneli v zanko in dobili stalno ritmično formo, na kateri bomo gradili naprej.

konS ≡ Vlagomir
29. August 2023 at 08:00
delavnica v Mladinskem centru Žalec (Aškerčeva ulica 13, Žalec,)
Kako preveriš, ali ima tvoja rastlina dovolj vlage? Izdelaš Vlagomir in spremljaš barvo RGB LED-sijalke. Če je zelena, je vode dovolj in bo tvoja rastlina dobro uspevala. Če je modra, je vode preveč, zato odlij odvečno vodo. Če sveti rdeča, pa hitro dodaj nekaj vode, da se rastlina ne posuši.

Rojstvo in smrt mikrokozmosa ≡ Raziskovanje neznosne lahkosti so-bivanja s kvasovkami
28. August 18:00 - 29. September 2023
otvoritev razstave v Kulturnem inkubatorju, Maribor
Pri tem umetniškem projektu se avtorja Monika Pocrnjić in Andrej Firm z edinstveno perspektivo osredotočata na poudarjanje medsebojne povezanosti med mikroorganizmi, ljudmi in okoljem skozi umetnost.

konS ≡ DIY Mikroskop
26. August 2023 at 10:00
delavnica v Tehnoparku Celje (Gubčeva ulica 1, Celje)
Te zanima svet mikroorganizmov, ki ga ne moreš opazovati s prostim očesom? Potem potrebuješ mikroskop! Na konS delavnici DIY Mikroskop si ga lahko iz odsluženih spletnih kamer izdelaš sam_a in začneš opazovati našim očem neviden svet!

Katrin Hochschuh & Adam Donovan ≡ Kibernetična intima
23. August 19:00 - 27. August 2023 18:00
odprtje instalacije v Minoritski cerkvi (Vojašniški trg 1, Maribor)
Instalacija Kibernetična intima raziskuje komunikacijo med ljudmi in mehatronsko obliko življenja. Luči bitij v temi vzbudijo domišljijo obiskovalcev o njihovih namerah in notranjih svetovih Umetniško delo sproži razmišljanje o tem, kaj pričakujemo od robotov in umetne inteligence.

konS ≡ Vlagomir
19. August 2023 at 10:00
delavnica v Tehnoparku Celje (Gubčeva ulica 1, Celje)
Kako preveriš, ali ima tvoja rastlina dovolj vlage? Izdelaš Vlagomir in spremljaš barvo RGB LED-sijalke. Če je zelena, je vode dovolj in bo tvoja rastlina dobro uspevala. Če je modra, je vode preveč, zato odlij odvečno vodo. Če sveti rdeča, pa hitro dodaj nekaj vode, da se rastlina ne posuši.

Intermedijske pustolovščine ≡ Doživljajsko igrišče
16. August 16:00 - 31. August 2023 17:30
delavnice na Doživljajskem igrišču (Ljubljanska ulica 100, Maribor)
konSova serija delavnic Intermedijske pustolovščine se v zadnjih počitniških tednih seli na prosto. Doživljajsko igrišče v Mariboru vabi male raziskovalce na ustvarjalne pustolovščine z zabavnimi preizkušnjami s področja sodobnih tehnologij in umetnosti. V Malem betnavskem gozdu se bomo dobivali vse do 31. avgusta.

konS ≡ Vremenska postaja
12. August 2023 at 10:00
delavnica v Tehnoparku Celje (Gubčeva ulica 1, Celje)
Za dobro počutje je pomembno bivanje v ustrezno vlažnem okolju in ob primerni temperaturi. Na tej delavnici bomo izdelali »Warumhei«t ali notranjo vremensko postajo, ki s pomočjo Arduina, senzorjev in LED-ic spremlja in prikazuje temperaturo in vlažnost zraka, da lahko pravočasno ukrepamo in prilagodimo razmere v prostoru.

Taktike&praksa [podkast] ≡ Merilo
11. August - 1. September 2023
Konferenca z naslovom Druge razsežnosti: Vizije, politika in infrastrukturno nasilje na več kot človeškem planetu, ki jo je Aksioma priredila v sklopu diskurzivnega programa T&P14: Merilo in je potekala pod okriljem konSekvenc, dobiva epilog s podkastom, v katerem se bodo zvrstili intervjuji novinarke in raziskovalke Neje Berger z nekaterimi protagonisti konference.

Boštjan Čadež – Fšk ≡ Line Rider v Galeriji Simulaker
10. August 19:00 - 2. September 2023
VR igra v Galeriji Simulaker, Novo mesto
Boštjan Čadež – Fšk v novomeški Galeriji Simulaker predstavlja nadgradnjo spletne igre Line Rider iz leta 2006. Klasična igra v peskovniku, v kateri rišeš stezo, po kateri se potem spušča sankač, se je izkazala za zelo zasvojljivo in je postala globalni fenomen, saj jo je do danes igralo več kot 34 milijonov ljudi.

konS ≡ Narisani žužki oživijo
9. August 2023 at 09:00
Delavnica za otroke v Mladinskem centru Velenje (Efenkova 61a, Velenje)
Si se kdaj spraševal_a, kako bi lahko nekaj narisanega na papir oživelo? Si vedel_a, da lahko s posebnim črnilom narišeš žuželko, ki se ki se z malo pomoči elektrike začne premikati? Pridi na delavnico Narisani žužki oživijo in ustvari svojega žužka!

Rob Canning ≡ Omrežje na dotik / Networked Touch Workshops
3. August 2023 at 11:00
delavnica v Soči, Triglavski narodni park
Stari znanec PIFcampa Rob Canning (Zavod Rizoma) bo izvedel dve delavnici, na kateri bodo tako mlajši kot starejši udeleženci PIFcampa lahko izdelali eksperimentalno zvočilo, ter njihovo delovanje v sklopu zaključne neformalne improvizirane zvočno-hrupne predstave tudi predstavili. Delavnici bosta združili kiparski, obrtniški in upcycling element s tehnologijo, kar bo izdelanim predmetom omogočilo, da postanejo glasbeni instrumenti ali vmesniki, ki so občutljivi na dotik.

konS ≡ Narisani žužki oživijo
1. August 2023 at 09:00
Delavnica za otroke v Mladinskem centru Velenje (Efenkova 61a, Velenje)
Si se kdaj spraševal_a, kako bi lahko nekaj narisanega na papir oživelo? Si vedel_a, da lahko s posebnim črnilom narišeš žuželko, ki se ki se z malo pomoči elektrike začne premikati? Pridi na delavnico Narisani žužki oživijo in ustvari svojega žužka!

konS ≡ Ustvarjam z generativno AI
27. July 2023 at 10:00
delavnica v Tehnoparku Celje (Gubčeva ulica 1, Celje)
Te veseli risanje? Znaš svoje risbe s papirja prenesti v digitalni svet? Želiš razširiti meje svoje ustvarjalnosti? Na delavnici Ustvarjam z generativno AI lahko raziskuješ možnosti na presečišču tradicionalnega risanja in najnovejše tehnologije. Z računalniškim orodjem PlaygroundAI lahko obogatiš svoje risbe in jim vdahneš novo življenje.

konS ≡ DIY Mikroskop
20. July 2023 at 10:00
delavnica v Tehnoparku Celje (Gubčeva ulica 1, Celje)
Te zanima svet mikroorganizmov, ki ga ne moreš opazovati s prostim očesom? Potem potrebuješ mikroskop! Na konS delavnici DIY Mikroskop si ga lahko iz odsluženih spletnih kamer izdelaš sam_a in začneš opazovati našim očem neviden svet!

konS ≡ DigiVrt
13. July 2023 at 10:00
delavnica v Tehnoparku Celje (Gubčeva ulica 1, Celje)
Potrebuješ pomoč pri oskrbovanju tvojih rastlin s pravšnjimi količinami vode? Izdelaj mehatronski zalivalnik DigiVrt in ga posadi k rastlini. Nato moraš skrbeti le še za zalogo vode v plastenki, za vse ostalo pa poskrbi DigiVrt.

Uporaba improvizacijskih tehnik v produciranju glasbe ≡ Rok Zalokar
7. July 2023 at 18:00
delavnica v Kulturnem inkubatorju (Koroška cesta 18, Maribor)
Stopimo izven okvirjev klasične produkcije in se prepustimo pregledu različnih pristopov in tradicij. Na tej delavnici bo eden najbolj perspektivnih mladih slovenskih jazz glasbenikov Rok Zalokar predstavil improvizacijske prakse in njihovo praktično uporabo v programski opremi za glasbeno produkcijo.

Vinyl Fabrika: Faznbrifer live X Clockwork Voltage ≡ Rok Zalokar & Dualik
7. July 2023 at 20:00
glasbeni nastop v Kulturnem inkubatorju (Koroška cesta 18, Maribor)
V seriji dogodkov Vinyl Fabrika: Faznbrifer live X Clockwork Voltage se predstavljajo slovenski glasbeni ustvarjalci, ki izvedejo live act, njihove enkratne glasbene stvaritve pa v živo posnamemo na unikatno vinilno ploščo. Šesto ploščo bodo zapolnili zvoki Roka Zalokarja in Dualika (del projekta Gesta za 5 glasbenikov in speče mesto).

Vinyl fabrika Workshop ≡ Marko Lük
6. July 2023 at 18:00
delavnica v Kulturnem inkubatorju (Koroška cesta 18, Maribor)
Vinyl fabrika je projekt, ki pod okriljem konzorcijskega partnerja konS - Platforme za sodobno raziskovalno umetnost MKC Maribor od leta 2016 raziskuje možnosti zapisovanja zvoka na vinilne plošče. Na delavnici se bomo najprej seznanili z osnovami analognega zapisa zvoka in delovanjem naprav za rezanje zvoka v ploščo, nakar bomo izvedli izrez izbranih skladb v vinilne plošče.

konS ≡ Vremenska postaja
6. July 2023 at 10:00
delavnica v Tehnoparku Celje (Gubčeva ulica 1, Celje)
Za dobro počutje je pomembno bivanje v ustrezno vlažnem okolju in ob primerni temperaturi. Na tej delavnici bomo izdelali »Warumhei«t ali notranjo vremensko postajo, ki s pomočjo Arduina, senzorjev in LED-ic spremlja in prikazuje temperaturo in vlažnost zraka, da lahko pravočasno ukrepamo in prilagodimo razmere v prostoru.

Vinyl Fabrika: Faznbrifer live X Clockwork Voltage ≡ Rob Canning & Lowlander
6. July 2023 at 20:00
glasbeni nastop v Kulturnem inkubatorju (Koroška cesta 18, Maribor)
V seriji dogodkov Vinyl Fabrika: Faznbrifer live X Clockwork Voltage se predstavljajo slovenski glasbeni ustvarjalci, ki izvedejo live act, njihove enkratne glasbene stvaritve pa v živo posnamemo na unikatno vinilno ploščo. Peto ploščo bodo zapolnili zvoki Matije Dolenca (Lowlander) in Roba Canninga.

What’s next? Streamanje, prodaja glasbe ≡ Streamarnica / Emkej
5. July 2023 at 18:00
delavnica v Kulturnem inkubatorju (Koroška cesta 18, Maribor)
Emkej, vodja platforme Streamarnica, bo predstavil način, kako svojo glasbo umestiti na vse večje streaming servise, na kaj je treba biti pazljiv, kakšne vrste pravic poznamo in kakšne so pasti različnih pogodb z založbami in ostalimi organizacijami znotraj glasbene industrije. Če ustvarjaš glasbo, ki jo želiš predstaviti svetu, te bo delavnica opremila s številnimi koristnimi informacijami.

Teden glasbene produkcije 2023
3. July 10:00 - 7. July 2023 23:00
glasbene delavnice v Kulturnem inkubatorju (Koroška cesta 18, Maribor)
Ustvarjaš glasbo ali kako drugače deluješ na področju glasbene industrije? Iščeš somišljenike in soustvarjalce? Želiš svojo glasbo predstaviti svetu? Potem si prve dneve julija rezerviraj za druženje na delavnicah v sklopu Tedna glasbene produkcije! Vabljeni elektroničarji, raperji, beatmakerji, DIY muzičarji in vsi, ki gojite strast do ustvarjanja glasbe.

Jaka Berger: Ustvarjanje glasbe z zvoki okolja
1. July 2023 at 19:00
delavnica v sklopu festivala SoundGarden, Vista - Park z razgledom, Velenjsko jezero
Cilj delavnice je mladim prikazati, kako z minimalnimi sredstvi in vsem dostopno tehnologijo ustvariti lastno (pop) skladbo, obenem pa bomo med mladimi poskusili spodbuditi ustvarjanje ter inovativnost na sebi lastni način, brez ogromnih količin denarja za tehnično opremo, studie in ostale konvencionalne elemente glasbene industrije. Delavnico vodi Jaka Berger.

Miha Turšič: Atlas Slovenija
16. June 2023 at 18:00
odprtje umetniške razstave v Galeriji Simulaker, Novo mesto
Razstava uveljavljenega transdisciplinarnega umetnika obravnava aktualna okoljska vprašanja antropocena in opazuje spremembe, ki jih ustvarjajo procesi kulturalizacije in komodifikacije okolja, ki imajo za posledico izgubo biotske raznovrstnosti, različne oblike onesnaženja in druge negativne okoljske vplive. Uvodna razprava se bo začela ob 18.00, odprtje razstave bo sledilo ob 19.00.

Sintetistična srečanja ≡ CRCTBNT
15. June 2023 at 17:00
delavnica v osmo/zi, Slovenska cesta 54 (8. nadstropje), Ljubljana
Na zadnjem letošnjem Sintetističnem srečanju bomo spoznali teorijo in prakso ustvarjalne prakse circuit bending. Ta za mnoge predstavlja vstop v polje zvočil in modularne sinteze zvoka, odpira pa tudi vrata v avtorsko eksperimentiranje z elektroniko in je pogosto del umetniškega ter medijsko arheološkega raziskovanja medijev in njihovega delovanja.

Nina Ramšak Marković in Varja Hrvatin: Apofenija/1
14. June 2023 at 19:00
predstava na Intimnem odru GT22, Maribor
Predstava Apofenija/1 se je uvrstila v spremljevalni program 58. Festivala Borštnikovo srečanje. Na sporedu bo v sredo, 14. junija 2023, ob 19.00 in 21.00. Predstava je nastala v produkciji MKC Maribor pod okriljem konS ≡ Platforme za sodobno raziskovalno umetnost.

Intermedijske pustolovščine 2023 ≡ Prostor in umetnost // JUNIJ
6. June 17:00 - 27. June 2023
delavnice v Kulturnem inkubatorju (Koroška cesta 18, Maribor)
Intermedijske pustolovščine 2023 mladim ustvarjalcem nudijo prostočasne dogodivščine, ki bodo potekale vse od začetka aprila do konca junija. Otroci in mladostniki se bodo dobivali vsak torek v mariborskem konS vozlišču Kulturni inkubator, kjer bodo od od 17. ure dalje usvajali veščine, ki pomagajo pri motoriki, ročnih spretnostih in reševanju problemov. Lotili se bodo programiranja, spajkanja in sestavljanja uporabnih naprav. Z mentorji bodo obiskali aktualne razstave v Kulturnem inkubatorju, se preizkusili v intermedijskih tehnikah ter razvijali zanimive lastne projekte.

Kakšen vonj ima prihodnost?
30. May 2023 at 16:00
delavnica za otroke in mladino v MMC Kunigunda (Trg mladosti 7, Velenje)
Na izkustveni delavnici raziščemo okoliški teren in poiščemo material, za katerega menimo, da bo oddajal vonj – takšen, ki bo ostal z(a) nami vsaj še stoletje. Po postopku izbora materialov se lotimo destiliranja, s katerim pridobimo esenco. Več vonjev namešamo v vonj prihodnosti.

Ava Zevop: Širni spleteni svetovi
26. May 19:00 - 2. June 2023
razstava v umetniškem središču osmo/za, Slovenska cesta 54 (8. nadstropje), Ljubljana
Projekt Širni spleteni svetovi različne modele strojnega učenja obravnava kot ideološke agente ekstrakcije, kategorizacije in interpretacije ter odpira razmišljanje o tem, kakšni so (novi) zemljevidi in razmejitve, ki jih riše umetna inteligenca, kako njeno delovanje sledi ozemljem, odnosom in genealogijam moči (preteklosti in sedanjosti) ter kakšna je njena vloga v procesih ustvarjanja svetov prihodnosti.

Nicole L’Huillier: Naprave za motenje signalov
17. May 2023 at 14:00
delavnica na ALUO (Tobačna 5, Ljubljana)
Da bi raziskali različne načine zaznavanja in prepletanja zvokov in vibracij, boste eksperimentirali z različnimi vrstami mikrofonov in vmesnikov za poslušanje in snemanje. Skozi te dejavnostih boste spoznali različne ravni in vrste vibracijskih pojavov: od taktilnega in intimnega poslušanja do raziskovanja, kako se zvočne vibracije širijo v različnih medijih, ter poslušanja elektromagnetne dejavnosti in drugih nevidnih sil, ki nas obdajajo.

Sintetistična srečanja ≡ Scheme-Op
11. May 2023 at 17:00
delavnica v osmo/zi, Slovenska cesta 54, Ljubljana, 8. nadstropje
Ob zvočnem eksperimentiranju z mešalko Scheme-Op lahko začetniki intuitivno spoznavate osnove elektronike in zvočne sinteze, poznavalci pa razvijate zapletene povratne zanke in raziskujete analogno procesiranje signalov in zvoka. Delavnico bosta izvedla Staš Vrenko in Gregor Krpič.

konS modul Maribor ≡ Stefan Doepner in Stelarc: Microbot V.4
11. May 2023 at 19:00
otvoritev razstave v Kulturnem inkubatorju, Koroška cesta 18, Maribor
Microbot V.4 je robotski in performativni poseg v Stelarcovo telo, ki tematizira vse večjo intimnost strojev in človeškega telesa ter uprizarja možno prihodnost, v kateri bodo telo (telesa) kolonizirali mikro- in nanosenzorji, naprave in roboti, ki bodo povečali naše bakterijske in virusne populacije. Stefan Doepner zadnjih 10 let raziskuje, razvija, koncipira in pomanjšuje robote eksoskeletone. Nove verzije nastajajo v konSovem Laboratoriju za robotiko in urbano transformacijo, ki deluje pod okriljem MKC Maribor.

Intermedijske pustolovščine 2023 ≡ Vežemo vezja // MAJ
9. May 17:00 - 30. May 2023
delavnice v Kulturnem inkubatorju (Koroška cesta 18, Maribor)
Intermedijske pustolovščine 2023 mladim ustvarjalcem nudijo prostočasne dogodivščine, ki bodo potekale vse od začetka aprila do konca junija. Otroci in mladostniki se bodo dobivali vsak torek v mariborskem konS vozlišču Kulturni inkubator, kjer bodo od od 17. ure dalje usvajali veščine, ki pomagajo pri motoriki, ročnih spretnostih in reševanju problemov. Lotili se bodo programiranja, spajkanja in sestavljanja uporabnih naprav. Z mentorji bodo obiskali aktualne razstave v Kulturnem inkubatorju, se preizkusili v intermedijskih tehnikah ter razvijali zanimive lastne projekte.

Nestor Sire in Steffen Kohn: Digitalna etnografija
19. April 2023 at 14:00
delavnica na ALUO, Tobačna 5, Ljubljana
Delavnica raziskuje, kako metode etnografskega terenskega dela lahko postanejo ključni del umetniškega raziskovalnega procesa. Delavnica bo potekala v angleškem jeziku. Predhodno znanje ni potrebno. Obvezna je predhodna prijava do 16. aprila 2023.

konSekvence ≡ LABORATORIJ VIVARIJ: Dorotea Dolinšek
10. April - 28. April 2023
odprti studio v Laboratoriju Vivarij, Ljubljana
Laboratorij Vivarij v sklopu programa konSekvence ≡ Fragmenti možnega ekosistema vabi med 10. in 28. aprilom 2023. Odprti studio bo omogočil vpogled v nastajenje instalacije Dorotee Dolinšek Ex.A.R.U. (Exo Auxiliary Respiratory Unit).

Intermedijske pustolovščine 2023 ≡ Kiparstvo in 3D oblikovanje // APRIL
4. April 17:00 - 25. April 2023
delavnice v Kulturnem inkubatorju (Koroška cesta 18, Maribor)
Intermedijske pustolovščine 2023 mladim ustvarjalcem nudijo prostočasne dogodivščine, ki bodo potekale vse od začetka aprila do konca junija. Otroci in mladostniki se bodo dobivali vsak torek v mariborskem konS vozlišču Kulturni inkubator, kjer bodo od od 17. ure dalje usvajali veščine, ki pomagajo pri motoriki, ročnih spretnostih in reševanju problemov. Lotili se bodo programiranja, spajkanja in sestavljanja uporabnih naprav. Z mentorji bodo obiskali aktualne razstave v Kulturnem inkubatorju, se preizkusili v intermedijskih tehnikah ter razvijali zanimive lastne projekte.

konSekvence ≡ Jata C: Kronolit
2. April 2023 at 17:00
zvočni dogodek v živo v Cukrarni, Ljubljana
Bioakustična skupina Jata C v delu Kronolit, sestavljenem iz kompleksne več kanalne zvočne kompozicije in instalacije kamnitih plošč, raziskuje zvočnost in časovne razsežnosti kamnitih struktur ter njihovo trajnost in soodvisnost s človekom. Jata C prevprašuje: kako poslušati kamen in misliti geološki čas?

konSekvence ≡ CUKRARNA: Vodstvo po razstavi
1. April 2023 at 11:00
vodstvo po razstavi, Cukrarna v Ljubljani
Umetniško-raziskovalna dela, inovacije in metode raziskovalnega učenja, ki so v Cukrarni na ogled v sklopu razstave konSekvence ≡ Fragmenti možnega ekosistema, lahko spoznavate na javnih vodstvih v spremstvu sodelavcev konS ≡ Platforma za sodobno raziskovalno umetnost.

konS ≡ Praksa
30. March 2023 at 18:00
okrogla miza v Cukrarni, Ljubljana
Gostje okrogle mize bodo: Rodolfo Groenewoud van Vliet (In4Art), Martin Honzik in Veronika Liebl (Ars Electronica Linz), Žiga Lampe (Gospodarska zbornica Slovenija), Veronika Liebl (Ars Electronica Linz), Špela Petrič (umetnica).

konSekvence ≡ SONAR: otvoritev prostorov
30. March 2023 at 17:00
otvoritev novih prostorov vozlišča Sonar, Novo mesto
Nove prostore novomeškega vozlišča Sonar bomo odprli v četrtek, 30. marca, ob 17. uri ob spremljavi ene od zvočnih delavnic za otroke in mladino iz nabora konS ≡ Parka.

konSekvence ≡ AKSIOMA: Farzin Lotfi-Jam
29. March 19:00 - 14. April 2023
otvoritev razstave v Aksiomi, Ljubljana
Naše domače rutine se morda zdijo banalne, celo zrežirane ali premišljene. Ta razstava zajame povratno zanko med željami znotraj lastnega doma, zbiranjem podatkov ter uničujočimi potenciali pripravnosti.

Realnočasovni subjekti
29. March 2023 at 14:00
delavnica na ALUO (Tobačna 5, Ljubljana)
Ta delavnica preučuje, kako digitalni dvojniki predstavijo mesta in njihove prebivalce. Zastavlja vprašanje, kako bo ta tehnologija vplivala na kolektivne urbane prihodnosti in kako jo lahko mobiliziramo za ustvarjanje enakopravnejših, pravičnejših in vznemirljivejših urbanih vizij.

konS ≡ Dialogi
23. March 2023 at 18:00
pogovor z umetniki v Cukrarni, Ljubljana
Pogovarjali se bodo Dorotea Dolinšek in Sandra Sajovic, Sanela Jahić in Janez Fakin Janša, OctoSens skupnost in Uroš Veber, Nejc Trampuž in Adrijan Praznik, Staš Vrenko in Maja Burja, Zoran Srdić Janežič in Sandra Sajovic, Stefan Doepner in Miha Horvat.

konSekvence ≡ Laboratorij Svetlobne gverile 2023
21. March 17:00 - 16. May 2023
večmedijska delavnica v osmo/zi, Slovenska 54, Ljubljana
Na delavnici bodo udeleženci spoznali proces razvoja intermedijskega projekta, se naučili 3D-skeniranja, osnov obdelave 3D modelov in njihove uporabe za namene zvočne sinteze, laserskega mapiranja ter kontroliranja laserja z avdio signali. Razvili bodo AV instalacijo, pri kateri se bodo svetlobni reliefi, nastali ob skeniranju okolice z laserskimi linijami, direktno prevajali v zvok, s tem pa okolico preobrazili v inštrument.

konSekvence ≡ KULTURNI INKUBATOR: Andrej Žižek
16. March 17:00 - 13. April 2023
otvoritev razstave v Kulturnem inkubatorju, Maribor
Projekt city{making}sense je umetniško znanstvena eksploracija urbanega prostora na področju razvoja pametnih mest in z njimi povezanega nadzora javnega prostora (surveillance), umetne inteligence (AI) in velikih podatkov (BIG data).

konSekvence ≡ XCENTER: dr. Špela Petrič
15. March 18:00 - 30. April 2023
otvoritev razstave v Xcentru, Nova Gorica
V konS vozlišču Xcenter v Novi Gorici bo slovenska umetnica in raziskovalka dr. Špela Petrič v sklopu programa konSekvence ≡ Fragmenti možnega ekosistema predstavila instalacijo Institut za neopazne jezike: Branje ustnic.

konSekvnece ≡ Thomas Gorbach & The Vienna Acousmonium
14. March 19:00 - 15. March 2023
cikel zvočnih dogodkov v Kinu Šiška, Ljubljana
CONA in Kino Šiška vabita na dva transformativna večera akuzmatične glasbe! V Ljubljano se vrača avstrijski glasbenik, izvajalec in akuzmatični skladatelj Thomas Gorbach, ki se mu bodo v živo pridružile_i gostujoče_i umetnice_ki Andrej Kobal, OR poiesis in tonota.

Preiskava kot medij ≡ Pridobivanje obveščevalnih podatkov iz javnih virov za umetnike
8. March 2023 at 14:00
delavnica na ALUO (Tobačna 5, Ljubljana)
Anna Engelhardt in Mark Cinkevich bosta skozi predstavitev ustvarjanja filmskega eseja Onset razložila, kaj so orodja za pridobivanje podatkov iz javnih virov (open-source intelligence) in kako bi te tehnike lahko vplivale na posamezne umetniške prakse. Spregovorila bosta tudi o stapljanju dejstev in fikcije ter v tem kontekstu pojasnila, kako iskati zaupne informacije in jih pretvoriti v kaj več kot le diskretne številke o količini prenesenih megavatov.

7. March 18:00 - 25. March 2023 13:00
razstava v Galeriji Velenje, Titov trg 5
Razstavo konSekvence ≡ Galerija Velenje tvorijo Stefan Doepner, Stelarc in Aphra Tesla, Nejc Trampuž, Dorotea Dolinšek, Saša Spačal in Kaitlin Bryson in drugi. Dopolnjevale jo bodo delavnice za otroke, mladostnike in odrasle, predavanje Saše Spačal in glasbeni performans Eralda Bernocchia.

konSekvence ≡ AKSIOMA: Onset
7. March 19:00 - 24. March 2023
otvoritev razstave v Aksiomi, Ljubljana
Aksioma | Projektni prostor v sklopu programa konSekvence ≡ Fragmenti možnega ekosistema gosti dve samostojni razstavi: Onset Anne Engelhardt in Marka Cinkevicha ter Moja domača rutina Farzina Lotfi-Jama.

konSekvence ≡ Taktike&praksa #14: Merilo / Druge razsežnosti, uvodna konferenca
6. March 2023 at 15:30
hibridna konferenca v Kinu Šiška
Diskurzivni program konSekvenc se bo začel z mednarodno hibridno konferenco v Kinu Šiška, ki jo Aksioma prireja v sklopu šritimesečnega programa Taktike&praksa #14: Merilo. Sodelujoči: Anna Engelhardt, Anthony Downey, Laura Tripaldi, Liam Young, Mark Cinkevich, Nadim Choufi, Solveig Qu Suess, Spela Petric, Yu Hsin Su.

konSekvence ≡ Park delavnic
4. March - 29. March 2023
konS delavnice v Cukrarni in drugod
konSekvence ≡ Fragmenti možnega ekosistema prinašajo Park delavnic za otroke ter mladino in odrasle. V Cukrarni in drugih lokacijah se jih bo v marcu zvrstilo deset. Postanite del radovedne in ustvarjalne skupnosti – pridružite se nam v parku inovativnosti in raziskovalnega učenja.

konSekvence ≡ CUKRARNA
3. March 19:00 - 2. April 2023 17:00
otvoritev osrednje razstave v Cukrarni, Ljubljana
Vljudno vabljeni, da se nam v petek, 3. marca 2023, ob 19. uri pridružite na otvoritvi razstave konSekvence ≡ Fragmenti možnega ekosistema v Cukrarni, na kateri predstavljamo nekatere od najbolj drznih projektov ustvarjalk in ustvarjalcev, ki delujejo na presečišču umetnosti, znanosti, tehnologije in družbe.

konS ≡ Perspektive
3. March 2023 at 11:00
okrogla miza v Cukrarni, Ljubljana
Posvet o spodbujanju vključevanja kulturnih in kreativnih industrij v inovacije za trajnostno, vključujočo in etično gospodarstvo prihodnosti.

konSekvence ≡ KULTURNI INKUBATOR: Boštjan Čadež
16. February 2023 at 19:00
interaktivna razstava v Kulturnem inkubatorju, 18 Koroška cestaMaribor
V zgodovini umetnosti so nekatera umetniška dela imela srečo, da so jih razumeli ne zgolj kot umetnost, pač pa tudi kot uporabna orodja, javne prostore, kulturne fenomene, meme. Line Rider je eno takih umetniških del. Na ogled bo v Kulturnem inkubatorju od četrtka, 16. februarja, dalje. Vrata odpremo ob 19. uri.

konS ≡ Kolesarska signalna rokavica
3. February 2023 at 16:00
delavnica za otroke in mladino v Mladinskem centru ŠOP, Šmartno ob Paki 13
Na delavnici se bodo otroci in mladi seznanili s svetom e-tekstilij: spoznali bodo osnovne e-tekstilne materiale, orodja in možnosti ter izdelali pametno kolesarsko rokavico, ki jim bo omogočala večjo vidnost in predvidljivost v prometu.

UROŠ – ROŠA| Round-up Ready*
31. January 17:00 - 14. February 2023 17:00
otvoritev razstave v Kulturnem inkubatorju, Maribor
Razstava UROŠ - ROŠA | Round-up Ready* bo služila kot raziskovalno okolje za razlago različnih povezav in prototipov, razvitih v zadnjih dveh letih skupaj z javnimi obiskovalci. To je tiskarna za zine in foto kolaže, trgovina z nalepkami za okrasitev vaših domov in prenosnih računalnikov, hacklab za preizkušanje različnih okoljskih senzorjev in zvočnih poskusov ter naprava za sitotiskanje majic za izdelavo lastnih spominkov "oleh oleh dari Djogja".

Sanela Jahić: Pogled od nikoder
25. January 18:00 - 8. February 2023 18:00
Projekt Sanele Jahić raziskuje, kako je družbeno uporabljeno tehnološko orodje ne le neposredno prepleteno z nerazrešenimi krivicami našega trenutnega sistema, pač pa dejansko pospešuje prehod k avtoritarizmu, ki je prisoten v tehnološki industriji sami, v politiki različnih držav in institucij in v vzponu skrajno desnih političnih gibanj.

konS ≡ Nežen, a hrupen
24. January 2023 at 17:00
delavnica (16+) v Kulturnem inkubatorju, Koroška 18, Maribor
Instrument, ki ga bomo izdelovali, težko opišemo, njegov razvoj pa je med drugim utrl pot za ustvarjanje zvočnih orodij, ki so pametna, prilagodljiva, divja in enostavna tudi za začetnike v elektroniki.

Nejc Trampuž: Another Future Entirely
20. January 19:00 - 18. February 2023 19:00
Galerija Simulaker
Razstava umetnika mlajše generacije naslavlja aktualna okoljska vprašanja antropocena in opazuje pospešene spremembe, ki jih s svojim kolesjem poganja pozni kapitalizem, kot sta to na primer globalno segrevanje in izguba biotske raznovrstnosti. Projekt predstavlja pozitivno naravnane odgovore na različne zagate družbe 21. stoletja ter ob tem ohranja smotrn pogled na našo skupno prihodnost.

Vinyl Fabrika: Faznbrifer live X Clockwork Voltage / Monoscarves & Zergon
19. January 2023 at 19:00
Kulturni inkubator, Koroška cesta 18, Maribor
Vinyl Fabrika: Faznbrifer live X Clockwork Voltage je serija dogodkov, ki jih organizira MKC Maribor v okviru projekta konS. Na dogodkih glasbene stvaritve slovenskih live acterjev v živo posnamemo na unikatno vinilno ploščo.

Andy Gracie: 2.8B420K
18. January 19:00 - 7. February 2023 19:00
Projekt 2.8B420K predlaga spomenik, znan kot Objekt, ki bo obeležil prehod planeta iz biološkega v postbiološki sistem in s tem konec življenja na Zemlji. Otvoritev razstave bo spremljal pogovor z Andyjem Graciejem in raziskovalci s področja geologije, umetnostne zgodovine in antropologije Rokom Brajkovičem, Blažem Vičičem, Matthewjem Wolf-Meyerjem in Beti Žerovc.

Ida Hiršenfelder: Tipalke za elektromagnetno polje
20. December 17:00 - 22. December 2022 21:00
delavnica za mladostnike in odrasle, RAMPA Laboratorij, Likozarjeva 1, Ljubljana
Naučile se boste sestaviti elektronski pripomoček za terensko snemanje in pridobile znanja iz “naredi sama” elektronike in lotanja. Zajete posnetke boste obdelale v vzorce za elektronsko glasbo in iz njih zmontirale čisto pravo kratko elektroakustično kompozicijo.

Tadej Droljc: Laserski grafiti
19. December 16:00 - 20. December 2022 20:00
delavnica za mlade (14+) v Kavarni LokalPatriot, Rozmanova 21, Novo mesto
Na dvodnevni delavnici se boste učili programiranja in upravljanja laserskega projektorja, svoje svetlobne grafite pa boste razstavili na gverilski akciji, saj boste svoje laserske risbe projicirali na javne površine v novomeškem mestnem jedru.

Dorotea Dolinšek: TerraPort
16. December 19:00 - 5. February 2023
razstava, Xcenter, Delpinova ulica 20, Nova gorica
Navdihnjena z najnovejšimi napori astrobiologije in prototipi teraformiranja planetov, ki naj bi jih ljudje naselili v prihodnosti, je umetnica Dorotea Dolinšek razvila stroj za avtomatizirano plemenitenje marsovskega regolita.

konS modul ≡ Etceteral, Groove Bear
10. December 2022 at 21:00
koncert v Max klubu, Šaleška cesta 3
Etceteral raziskujejo razsežnosti repetitivne poliritmične glasbe. Igro sekvenc in vzorcev dopolnjujejo z improvizacijskimi izleti skozi črne luknje znanstvene fantastike. Groove Bear se giba med različnimi žanri elektronske glasbe, vendar se pod tem aliasom zadržuje pri psihedeličnih ritmih.

konS modul ≡ Cadlag in Shekuza
9. December 2022 at 21:00
koncert v Klubu eMCe plac, Šaleška cesta 3
Cadlag je noise/drone projekt zvočnega plastenja minimalnih ambientalnih prehodov in konglomeratov instrumentarija. Shekuza ustvarja z raziskovanjem modularne sinteze in njenih odvodov ter raziskuje hladen, industrijski zvok techna. Italijanski skladatelj, aranžer, producent in kitarist s trdnim slovesom vsestranskega zvočnega kiparja Eraldo Bernocchi pa bo nastopil na marčevskem konS modulu.

Staš Vrenko: ,ločene vrednosti
9. December 19:00 - 8. January 2023 16:00
razstava v Razstavišču Kulturni inkubator, Koroška ulica 18, Maribor
Projekt Staša Vrenka ,ločene vrednosti raziskuje simulacijski potencial podatkovnih procesov, ki jih kot podatkovne modele materializira s serijo prenosov med analognim in digitalnim. Fosforescentni 3-D objekti so produkt raziskovanja simulacijskega potenciala podatkovnih procesov, ki predstavljajo ključni element sodobnih kulturno-tehnoloških formacij.

konS modul ≡ Biodukt: Gozdna kopel za ušesa
8. December 2022 at 17:00
workshop predavanje v Mladinskem centru Velenje, Efenkova 61a
Avtorja avdiovizualne instalacije Biodukt Martina Testen in Simon Šerc bosta izvedla workshop predavanje o izhodiščih in konceptu projekta ter obiskovalce povabila, da z očmi slišijo in z ušesi vidijo. Sprostite se – naj se vaše telo sinhronizira s svetom!

konS modul ≡ PiksLBroška
7. December 2022 at 16:00
Delavnica za otroke in mladino v Multimedijskem centru Kunigunda, kletni prostori Gaudeamusa, Trg mladosti 7
Na delavnici si lahko izdelaš digitalno broško, na katero preko mikrokrmilnika sprogramiraš besedilo ali celo piksel sliko, ki se bo nato prikazovala kot kratka animacija.

Erich Berger: Krajinski stroji
7. December 19:00 - 22. December 2022 19:00
razstava v umetniškem središču osmo/za, Slovenska cesta 54, Ljubljana
S svojo drugo samostojno predstavitvijo v osmo/zi Erich Berger nadaljuje z raziskovanjem odnosa med radioaktivnostjo in pokrajino, ki ju je lani obravnaval na razstavi Spektralne pokrajine. Osredotoča na rudnik urana Žirovski vrh ter človeške in nečloveške procese, ki oblikujejo njegovo preteklost in prihodnosti.

konS modul ≡ Nina Ramšak Marković, Varja Hrvatin: Apofenija/1
6. December 2022 at 19:00
Predstava brez igralca v Domu kulture – mala dvorana, Titov trg 4
V uprizoritvi, v kateri edini živi element v dvorani ostaja gledalec, obsojen na iskanje življenja v inherentno tujem, se vzpostavlja nova oblika življenjskosti, dialog med sogovornikoma, ki ne govorita istega simbolnega jezika.

konS modul ≡ Znanstveno-raziskovalna umetnost, Špela Petrič
5. December 2022 at 18:00
Predavanje v Knjižnici Velenje, Šaleška cesta 21
Špela Petrič v svojem delu združuje znanost in performans ter kritično preučuje temelje (bio)tehnoloških družb in meje antropocentrizma, ki vključujejo več vrst.

konS modul ≡ The Stroj + Marko Luk / Deconstructor
3. December 2022 at 21:00
Koncert v Mladinskem kulturnem klubu eMCe plac Šaleška cesta 3
Nastopi kolektiva The Stroj v klubskem okolju so redka priložnost, da energijo udarnega industrijskega rituala doživite iz neposredne bližine, k temu dodajamo Deconstructor, projekt, v katerem Marko Lük skozi live act performance s pomočjo uporabe sintetizatorjev, ritem mašin, sekvencerjev in efektorjev v živo ustvarja raznolike zvočne slike.

konS modul ≡ Celica namesto kamna – O hibridni umetnosti
2. December 2022 at 18:30
Filmski večer - dokumentarni film v Mladinskem kulturnem klubu eMCe plac, Šaleška cesta 3
Umetnice Maja Smrekar, Špela Petrič, Robertina Šebjanič, Polona Tratnik in Saša Spačal se ukvarjajo s hibridno umetnostjo – umetnostjo, ki uporablja orodja biotehnologije in preizprašuje učinke, ki jih ima biotehnologija na družbo.

konS modul ≡ Flow (Tok)
2. December 2022 at 19:00
Filmski večer - dokumentarni film v Mladinskem kulturnem klubu eMCe plac Šaleška cesta 3
Osem sogovornic, ki delujejo v širokem spektru znanstvenih in tehničnih poklicev predstavlja pogoje, v katerih so se začele zanimati za tehnologijo, na katere ovire so pri tem naletele in kako so se z njimi spopadale.

konS modul ≡ Jaz sem Janez Janša
1. December 2022 at 18:00
Dokumentarni film in pogovor v SAŠA Inkubatorju, PC Standard, Šaleška cesta 2A
Projekt Janez Janša so zanetili trije slovenski umetniki, ko so leta 2007 spremenili svoja imena in priimke v ime znanega slovenskega konservativnega politika.

konS modul ≡ Vinyl Fabrika
29. November 2022 at 17:00
Delavnica za odrasle v Mladinskem centru Velenje, Efenkova 61a
Na dveh delavnicah boste najprej spoznali osnove analognega zapisa zvoka ter delovanje naprave za rezanje zvoka v ploščo, nato pa boste tudi izvedli izrez izbranih skladb v vinilne plošče.

konS modul ≡ Biodukt
28. November - 10. December 2022
Avdio-vizualna razstava v Mladinskem centru Velenje, Efenkova 61a
Pri ideji Biodukta imajo letnice drevesa podobno funkcijo kot naš kostni mozeg – da povezujejo in izrišejo naše notranje povezave, ko se uglašujejo z okolico. Ti posnetki gozdov in obale nas spominjajo na dejstvo, da smo podobno prevodni kot drevesa sama

konS modul ≡ Boštjan Čadež – fšk: Line Rider
28. November - 10. December 2022
VR igra v Knjižnici Velenje, Šaleška cesta 21
Internetna igrača, s katero se igramo tako, da narišemo poljubno črto, po kateri se na podlagi simulirane fizike spusti sankač, je postala internetni hit, saj jo je do danes igralo več kot 34 milijonov ljudi. Avtor bo v Velenju prvič predstavil novo VR različico.

konS modul ≡ Institut za neopazne jezike: Branje ustnic
28. November - 10. December 2022
Inštalacija v Knjižnici Velenje, Šaleška cesta 21
Revija Science (2021–39) je pred kratkim objavila članek, v katerem so znanstveniki prvič opisali pomensko smiselno izmenjavo med fikusom in človekom, ki bi ji po širši definiciji lahko rekli pogovor.

konS modul ≡ Nejc Trampuž: Pustite mi vsaj sanjati.
28. November - 10. December 2022
Razstava digitalnih kolažev v svetlobnih škatlah v izložbi Voila Beauty, Šaleška cesta 19
Z nastajajočo serijo kolažev Pustite mi vsaj sanjati. avtor obrača miselni tok in sanja o tem, kako bi lahko izgledala idealizirana družba prihodnosti, ki se z našimi težavami zna spopadati.

konS modul ≡ Miranda Moss, Daniel Brownell: Gallus Gallus Roboticus
28. November - 10. December 2022
Interaktivna instalacija v izložbi Voila Beauty, Šaleška cesta 19
Cilj projekta je razvoj odprtokodne umetne inteligence, ki spol piščanca lahko zazna že v jajcu, in vključuje izdelavo avtonomnega hodečega robota, ki lahko poskrbi za različne piščančeve potrebe in hotenja.

konS modul ≡ Celeste Sanja Smareglia, Jure Sulič, Urška Paradiž: Traces of Extincion
28. November - 10. December 2022
Interaktivna instalacija v Novi Pekarni, Stari trg 17
Umetniki študijo o sledeh človeka v času in prostoru preslikajo v digitalni svet, obenem pa preizprašujejo nesmrtnost človeštva v zmanjšujočem se ekosistemu.

konS modul ≡ RGB Series: konSferenca
26. November 2022 at 18:00
Live act v Mladinskem kulturnem kluby eMCe plac, Šaleška cesta 3
Tradicionalni glasbeni dogodek RGB Series na konSferenci dopolnjuje izobraževalni program na temo organizacije prireditev in glasbenega založništva.

konS modul ≡ Darla Smoking in Kontradikshn
25. November 2022 at 21:00
Koncert v Mladinskem kulturnem klubu eMCe plac, Šaleška cesta 3
Darla Smoking je dolenjski duo prekaljenih mačkov, ki meša raznotere vplive in zvoke, med drugim terenske posnetke z različnih koncev sveta; Kontradikshn pa opisujejo kot slovensko electro-rock mašino, ki na svojevrsten način zlepi skupaj nezlepljivo.

From Commons to NFTs
12. November 2022
International conference in hybrid form organized by Aksioma in framework of konS platform at Kino Šiška and on-line
This conference will bring together artists, hackers and researchers to critically examine the shift in digital culture from open sharing to crypto-based forms of ownership

Zencode ≡ Kako pisati pametne pogodbe z uporabo naravnega jezika
12. November 2022 at 10:00
delavnica v Kinu Šiška, Ljubljana
Heker Puria Nafisi Azizi bo izvedel delavnico na temo projekta Zencode, v katerem se osredotoča predvsem na distribuirano računanje, s katerim je mogoče obdelati nepreverjeno kodo in izvesti napredne kriptografske funkcije. Med drugim se ga na primer lahko uporablja s katerokoli porazdeljeno evidenco transakcij (veriženje blokov), ki je implementirana kot prevajalnik pametnih pogodb.

Terarij groze
29. October 2022 at 17:00
Delavnica za otroke 8+ v Kulturnem inkubatorju, Maribor
Naučili se boste osnove, kako posaditi vašo rastlino in zanjo skrbeti, tako da bo ostala živa, prav tako pa boste lahko terarij okrasili s strašnimi predmeti, ki jih bomo za vas pripravili s pomočjo 3d tiska z nalaganjem staljenih plasti.

Staš Vrenko: ,ločene vrednosti
19. October - 30. November 2022
umetniška instalacija v Xcentru, Delpinova 19, Nova Gorica
Projekt ,ločene vrednosti raziskuje simulacijski potencial podatkovnih procesov, ki predstavljajo ključni element sodobnih kulturno-tehnoloških formacij.

modul ≡ Tadeja Pungerčar: parkŽur
10. October 2022 at 17:00
Delavnica za otroke 8+ v Mestnem parku Maribor
Delavnica parkŽur bo na ozaveščen način vodila v raziskovanje in spoznavanje okolice. Podali se bomo na pot vzpostavljanja tihe skupnosti, senzibilizacije za prostor in drug drugega.

modul ≡ Jaka Berger: Ustvarjanje glasbe z zvoki iz okolja
8. October 2022 at 17:00
Delavnica za mlade 14+ v Kulturnem inkubatorju, Maribor
Kako z minimalnimi sredstvi in vsem dostopno tehnologijo ustvariti lastno (pop) skladbo? Spodbudili bomo ustvarjanje in inovatiovnost na svojstven način!

konS modul ≡ Nina Ramšak Marković, Varja Hrvatin: Apofenija/1
7. October 2022
predstava na Intimnem odru GT22, Maribor

konS modul ≡ Miranda Moss, Daniel Brownell: Gallus Gallus Roboticus
7. October 2022
razstava v Razstavišču Kulturni inkubator, Koroška ulica 18, Maribor

Boštjan Perovšek: Zvočna prepletanja – zvočni dogodek
20. September 2022 at 18:00
Izvedba projekta v Morski biološki postaji Piran, v sklopu 3. Biotremološke konference v okviru mednarodnega projekta Akustično skupno
Projekt Zvočna prepletanja, nastal v produkciji Cone, izhaja iz znanstvenega proučevanja vibracijskih signalov živali (biotremologija), ki je z vidika zvočne umetnosti zanimivo predvsem zaradi zvočne manifestacije aktivnosti živali.

konS na Celjskem sejmu
14. September - 18. September 2022
MOS - Celjski sejem
Nedvomno gre za največji poslovno-sejemski dogodek v Sloveniji z več kot pol stoletja tradicije, inovacije, povezav, skupnih trenutkov in nepozabnih spominov. Letos so kot osrednjo temo sejma izpostavili samooskrbo.

Jata C: Kronolit
30. August 2022 at 20:00
Zvočni dogodek v živo v prostorih MGLC Švicarija, Ljubljana
15-kanalna zvočna kompozicija tematizira svet kamnin, časovnosti in naše vpete soodvisnosti. Kako poslušati kamen? se sprašuje bioakustična skupina Jata C.

Narisani žužki oživijo
23. August 2022 at 17:00
Delavnica za otroke med 9. in 14. letom v CID Ptuj v okviru Festivala poezije in vina
Kako bi nekaj narisanega na listu lahko oživelo? Veš, da lahko s posebnim črnilom narišeš žuželko, potem pa se s pomočjo baterije začne premikati?

BridA: Izdelava vesoljskih plovil
22. August 2022 at 16:00
Delavnica za otroke med 9. in 14. letom na Festivalu Kunigunda, stavba Gaudeamus, Velenje
Sestavimo raketne modele, ki bodo lahko vzleteli s pomočjo vodnega tlaka, za izstrelitev vodnih raket pa skupaj izdelamo tudi vzletno rampo!

Aphra Tesla: 8 samosti
8. August 21:00 - 8. September 2022
Samostojna razstava v IzložbaInkubator* + BlackBoxGT22** / *Koroška ulica 18 in **Glavni trg 22, Maribor
audio video instalacija na dveh lokacijah; osem avtorskih kompozicij (2x4) – algoritmov, ki skulpturirajo podobo velikega drugega

Tadej Droljc: Večerja s hiperobjektom
5. August - 13. August 2022
Razstavni projekt v samostanu Mekinje v okviru festivala Kamfest, Kamnik
"Svet je postal filozofski laboratorij[1], saj je v ospredje prvič stopila tehnologija in ne človek ali narava. Tehnologija je najprej subsumirala naravo, nato pa se je spravila še na človeka."

Poletno druženje v Mestnem parku Maribor
30. July - 4. September 2022
Delavnice za vse starosti v sodelovanju z Narodnim domom Maribor v Mestnem parku Maribor
Narodni dom Maribor nadaljuje program Art kamp z butičnimi vikend programi Poletnega Art kampa, pri kateerem sodeluje tudi projekt konS:

Žičke, gumbi, mikrokontrolerji
10. July 2022
Delavnica za otroke v Mestnem parku Maribor, Art Kamp
Izdelajmo prototipe različnih napravic, ki oživijo le z nekaj žičkami in gumbi, ko jih povežemo z mikrokontrolerjem!

Digitalno ustvarjanje
9. July 2022
Delavnica za otroke v Mestnem parku Maribor, Art Kamp
Naše digitalne stvaritve bomo v realnost prenesli z različnimi tehnikami, od laserskega rezalnika folije do 3d tiskalnika.

Digitalna fabrikacija
2. July 2022
Delavnica za otroke v Mestnem parku Maribor, Art Kamp - Festival Lent
Na delavnici si bodo udeleženci preko spoznavanja digitalne fabrikacije ustvarili svojo majico, nalepko ali vgravirali poljuben motiv v leseno ploščico!

Lego Robotika
1. July 2022
Delavnica za otroke v Mestnem parku Maribor, Art Kamp - Festival Lent
Spoznavamo robote, spoznavamo, kako se kaj v naredi, programira, da "v igrici deluje" (in koliko razmišljanja in truda je potrebno za to).

Digitalna fabrikacija
30. June 2022
Delavnica za otroke v Mestnem parku Maribor, Art Kamp - Festival Lent
Na delavnici si bodo udeleženci preko spoznavanja digitalne fabrikacije ustvarili svojo majico, nalepko ali vgravirali poljuben motiv v leseno ploščico!

Lego Robotika
27. June - 29. June 2022
Delavnica za otroke v Mestnem parku Maribor, Art Kamp - Festival Lent
Spoznavamo robote, spoznavamo, kako se kaj v naredi, programira, da "v igrici deluje" (in koliko razmišljanja in truda je potrebno za to).

Tadej Droljc: Dinner with a hyperobject
24. June - 16. July 2022
Audiovisual installation in SImulaker Gallery, Novo mesto
"The world has become a laboratory of philosophy [1], as technology first came to the forefront, not man or nature. Technology first subsumed nature and then turned to man."

DJ delavnica
24. June - 26. June 2022
Delavnica za otroke v Mestnem parku Maribor, Art Kamp - Festival Lent
Delavnica je za vse, ki bi radi izvedeli več o tem kako začeti z didžejanjem, ter kam po informacije, če se želimo na tem področju še bolj podrobno izobraziti.

module ≡ Jakob Grčman: Sound[P]Late
23. June 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for children aged 9 to 14 in MC Oton, Župančičevo sprehajališče 1, Novo mesto
Speakers accompany us every step of the way: in shops, cars, at concerts… we still carry them with us because they are hidden in our phones. Do you know how they work and how you can make them yourself?

modul ≡ Coexistence of formal and non-formal education
22. June 2022 at 19:00
Panel discussion in front of MC Oton, Župančičevo sprehajališče 1, Novo mesto
Non-formal education, innovative approaches to knowledge transfer and concern for the development of main potentials are some of the highlights of the konS platform and consortium partners.

modul ≡ Andrej Fon: Sound Walk
21. June 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for children from the age of 7 in MC Oton, Župančičevo sprehajališče 1, Novo mesto
The workshop encourages children to listen to sounds while wandering the streets, park or nature, its purpose is to arouse interest in the soundscape of the surroundings and the perception of everyday sounds.

modul ≡ constructive about konS – panel discussion
20. June 2022 at 19:00
Panel discussion at MC Oton, Župančičevo sprehajališče 1, Novo mesto
konS - The Platform for Contemporary Research Arts is an open and evolving structure that seeks to establish links between communities, knowledge institutions, research centers and the economy.

modul ≡ Saša Spačal: The diameter is a loop: cricket farm
17. June - 9. July 2022
Art production at 18 Rozmanova Street, in the former “Čop Workshop”, Novo mesto
The sound object, which combines a musical composition with elements of a terrarium and a cricket farm, derives from the artist's critical reflection on human impact on the ecosystem.

modul ≡ Michele Spanghero: Ad Lib.
17. June - 9. July 2022
Art project at Ulica talcev 1, in the former store "Pola Bekeraj", Novo mesto
Ad lib. combines a medical machine for automatic lung ventilation with organ flutes that play a musical chord in a constant rhythm of mechanical breathing that metaphorically sounds like a mechanical requiem.

modul ≡ Laurits Jongejan: Sanctuary of Holy Fear
17. June - 9. July 2022
Art project on Glavni trg 5, in the former "OnaOn" store, Novo mesto
The artwork of Danish composer Laurits Esben Jongejan was inspired by experiences from traditional Japanese Shinto shrines in which ghosts inhabit various buildings.

modul ≡ mp3ggerS
17. June 2022 at 17:00
UNG workshop for young people and adults at the Maribor Fashion House, Partizanska cesta
Meterialize your new soft-trigger paper with computer-assisted techniques (laser cutting, foil cutter and ironing) and hand sewing.

modul ≡ Stories from the under-mushroom world
16. June 2022 at 17:00
Kersnikova workshop for children aged 9 to 14 at the Modna hiša Maribor, Partizanska cesta
We prepare a unique view of the magical forest, where mushrooms come to life, through a playful installation, for which we will make our own imaginary sponges, which we will equip with colored LED lights and electronics.

Firefly of Emotions: my emotions are cool
15. June 2022 at 16:30
Workshop for children aged 9 to 14 in Xcenter, Nova Gorica
At the workshop, children learn that all emotions are something natural, that they are OK and that we can find a way to share them with others.

modul ≡ BridA: Manufacture of spacecraft
15. June 2022 at 17:00
Bride workshop for children aged 9 to 14 at the Maribor Fashion House, Partizanska cesta
Using a variety of materials and a great deal of artistic inspiration, we make a spacecraft: we assemble rocket models that will be able to take off with the help of water pressure.

modul ≡ LegoRobotika
14. June 2022 at 17:00
Delavnica Spreten.si za otroke od 9 do 14 let v Modni hiši Maribor, Partizanska cesta
Spoznajmo se z legom in robotiko: kako se kaj naredi, programira, da "v igrici deluje" in koliko razmišljanja in truda je potrebno za to, lotimo pa se tudi 3D oblikovanja.

modul ≡ Tara Pattenden: TEENSYnth
13. June 2022 at 17:00
Workshop of the Projekt Atol Institute for children aged 9 to 14 at the Modna hiša Maribor, Partizanska cesta
Let's get to know the sound possibilities offered by the Teensy 3.2 development board, and assemble an electronic speaker by adding some basic electronic components.

modul ≡ Tara Pattenden: TEENSYnth
11. June 2022 at 17:00
Delavnica Zavoda Projekt Atol za mladino in odrasle v Modni hiši Maribor, Partizanska cesta
Spoznajmo zvočne možnosti, ki jih ponuja razvojna ploščica Teensy 3.2, ter z dodajanjem nekaterih osnovnih elektronskih komponent sestavimo elektronsko zvočilo.

modul ≡ Zvočni mikroskop
10. June 2022 at 17:00
Delavnica Zavoda Cona za otroke od 9 do 14 let v Modni hiši Maribor, Partizanska cesta
Slišati in ustvarjati zvok vsakdanjih predmetov in hkrati sestaviti mehansko napravo za poslušanje komaj zaznavnih, tihih zvokov, to je zvočni mikroskop.

modul ≡ Fon:Drašler:Kobal
10. June 2022 at 21:00
Improvisational concert at the Modna hiša Maribor
The first week of the Workshop Festival concludes with a unique improvisational concert by masters of experimental electronic sounds: a journey through sound landscapes with Andrej Fon, Vid Drašler and Andrej Kobal.

Matej Mihevc: @flat_gaze
9. June 19:00 - 30. June 2022
Razstavna postavitev v Xcentru, Nova Gorica
@flat_gaze odpira vprašanja objektnosti in pomena, inovacije in avtorstva ter produkcijskih in diseminacijskih procesov v umetnosti in širši kulturni sferi, ki pospešeno mutirajo ob napredovanju razvoja nevronskih mrež.

Jaka Berger: Creating music with the sounds of the environment
9. June 2022 at 15:00
Workshop for young people and adults in Kino Šiška, Ljubljana
How to create your own song with minimal resources and affordable technology (among them a smartphone). Starting point: what is music anyway?

modul ≡ DJ workshop
9. June 2022 at 17:00
Alphawave workshop for children aged 9 to 14 at the Maribor Fashion House, Partizanska cesta
For all who would like to learn more about how to start DJing, and where to get information if we want to educate ourselves in this area in more detail.

modul ≡ Nalepkomanija
8. June 2022 at 17:00
Delavnica KreatorLaba za otroke od 9 do 14 let v Modni hiši Maribor, Partizanska cesta
Delavnica spoznavanja orodja foilcutter Cricut - priročen strojček za digitalno fabrikacijo najrazličnejših izdelkov s katerim režemo folijo za tekstil, samolepilno folijo za nalepke, karton in papir.

modul ≡ Zvočni[K]rožnik
7. June 2022 at 17:00
Delavnica Zavoda Kersnikova za otroke od 9 do 14 let v Modni hiši Maribor, Partizanska cesta
Zvočniki nas spremljajo na vsakem koraku: v trgovinah, avtomobilih, na koncertih… še s sabo jih nosimo, ker se skrivajo v telefonih.

VJLAb – J の ア イ 尺 丂 ん x 57th Festival Borštnikovo srečanje
3. June 2022 at 21:00
Video mapping projection on the facade of SNG Maribor
konS's audio-visual performance of the duo ア の ア イ 尺 丂 bo will take place on the front of SNG Maribor as part of the 57th Slovene Theatre Festival and as a result of the recently held ≡ VJLab workshop.

Staš Vrenko: ,ločene vrednosti
26. May - 1. June 2022
Umetniška instalacija v osmo/zi, Ljubljana
Projekt ,ločene vrednosti raziskuje simulacijski potencial podatkovnih procesov, ki predstavljajo ključni element sodobnih kulturno-tehnoloških formacij.

26. May 2022 at 20:00
Gledališka predstava v koprodukciji: konS, Moment, Bunker in Melara, na Intimnem odru GT22, Maribor
V uprizoritvi, v kateri edini živi element v dvorani ostaja gledalec, obsojen na iskanje življenja v inherentno tujem, se vzpostavlja nova oblika življenjskosti, dialog med sogovornikoma, ki ne govorita istega simbolnega jezika.

Ben Grosser: Recomposition of the Web
25. May 2022 at 14:00
Workshop for youth and adults in ALUO, Tobačna 5, Ljubljana
The workshop, through a series of software observation and web implementation exercises, presents recomposition methods, tools, and techniques that anyone can use to regain control of the software systems they use every day.

Miha Godec : Aqua sono forensic
25. May 2022 at 16:30
Delavnica za otroke med 9. in 15. let v Xcentru, Nova Gorica
S pomočjo zvoka bomo poskušali razumeti kaj pomeni čista voda in kako z znanstvenimi merilniki merimo raztopljene snovi v vodi.

20. May 2022 at 20:00
Theater play in co-production: konS, Moment, Bunker and Melara, on the Intimni oder GT22, Maribor
The staging is based on the placement of an abstract story with a fairy-tale dialogical plot of the materiality of the post-apocalyptic industrial space, where only machines, robots and mechanisms live.

novi inkubator
18. May 2022 at 18:18
Kulturni inkubator, Koroška 18, Maribor
MKC Maribor in Mestna občina Maribor vabita na odprtje novega Kulturnega inkubatorja, participatornega medgeneracijskega centra interdisciplinarnega ustvarjanja, v katerem se vzpostavlja konSov laboratorij.

17. May - 25. May 2022
Niz delavnic videomappiranja v Kulturnem inkubatorju z zaključno projekcijo na Festivalu Borštnikovo srečanje
Od konceptualne zasnove preko kreativnega procesa do izvedbe: spoznali bomo zakonitosti tehnične izvedbe, se rokovali s projektorjem, sodelovali v procesu vizualne zasnove in se poglobili v programsko orodje.

Space Robot
14. May 2022 at 10:00
Workshop for children between 9 and 14 years of age in the Kulturni inkubator, Maribor
Let's create and program robots and other space-related objects that the robot will retreat or move as it travels through space.

14. May 2022 at 10:00
Delavnica za otroke od 9. do 15. leta v Tehnoparku Celje
Zvočniki nas spremljajo na vsakem koraku: v trgovinah, avtomobilih, na koncertih… še s sabo jih nosimo, ker se skrivajo v telefonih.

Kresnička čustev
13. May 2022 at 11:00
Delavnica za mlade v Novosadski dečiji kulturnni centar / Kulturna Stanica Mlin - EPK Novi Sad
Kako čustva vplivajo na naša življenja in kako lahko z boljšo komunikacijo zmanjšamo slabo voljo in konflikte?

Robotic Spacecraft
7. May 2022 at 10:00
Workshop for children between 9 and 14 years of age in the Kulturni inkubator, Maribor
Using LEGO Mechanics cubes and a great deal of artistic inspiration, we create space-related objects and then program the robotic vehicle to automatically perform the desired tasks.

Katrin Hochshuh & Adam Donovan: Empathy Swarm Orchestra
6. May - 3. June 2022
Artificial life form project in Xcentar, Nova Gorica
Empathy Swarm is an artificial life form that explores social interaction between non-human beings using behavior and movement as a language for interspecific communication that can also be understood by the human observer.

Strings + buttons = keyboard
4. May 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for children aged 9 to 14 in Xcenter, Nova Gorica
With everyday and non-everyday objects, which the participants can also bring themselves or we will look for them in the space or. surroundings, design sound elements and compose an arrangement!

Empathy Swarm workshop
3. May - 4. May 2022
Workshop for young people and adults in Xcenter, Nova Gorica
Experience the installation Empathy Swarm and collaborate with the swarm and artistic duo Katrin Hochschuh and Adam Donovan in creating a new version of the work.

BridA: Biometric portraits
3. May 2022 at 16:00
Workshop for children between 9 and 14 years of age at the Kunigunda Multimedia Center, Velenje
The art workshop touches in a critical and creative way on the issue of capturing private data using various measuring devices and sensors, which are implemented in smartphones, watches, cars, refrigerators, etc.

Space Exploring
30. April 2022 at 10:00
Workshop for children between 9 and 15 years of age in the Kulturni inkubator, MKC Maribor
MKC Maribor has set a month for space in April, so we will explore it in more detail: because the Moon is the most accessible to us, we will find out what the conditions are and what we would need to live on the Moon.

26. April 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for children and youth (9+) in Xcenter, Nova Gorica
The workshop connects electronics, biology and artificial intelligence in a fun and creative way. Together we will get to know the mucous membranes in more detail and why they are interesting for research for both artists and scientists.

Empathy Swarm: Robotics Workshop for ALUO Students
25. April - 26. April 2022
Workshop for ALUO students, Ljubljana
A free robotics workshop entitled Empathy Swarm, led by renowned artists Katrin Hochschuh & Adam Donovan, will be held on Monday, April 25, and Tuesday, April 26, in the premises of Video, Animation and New Media at Tobačna 5.

21. April 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for children and youth (9+) in Xcentar, Nova Gorica
The workshop connects electronics, biology and artificial intelligence in a fun and creative way. Together we will get to know the mucous membranes in more detail and why they are interesting for research for both artists and scientists.

Making a solar system
21. April 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for children aged 9 to 14 in KreatorLab, Preradovičeva ulica 40, Maribor
MKC Maribor has set a month for space in April, so we will make a model of the solar system at the workshop, which will take place in two parts of three hours each, and we will be able to take it home.

DISNOVATION.ORG: Post Growth Toolkit
20. April 2022 at 14:00
Workshop in the production of Aksioma at the ALUO, Ljubljana
Rethinking our way of living with the environment requires us to re-evaluate the ever-increasing energy footprint.

(re)programiranje: Predstavitev publikacije
20. April 2022 at 19:00
Predstavitev edicije v slovenskem jeziku v Cukrarni, Poljanski nasip, Ljubljana
Knjiga je zbirka transkriptov osmih intervjujev s svetovnimi misleci, ki jih je v okviru festivala pogovorov (re)programiranje – Strategije za samoregeneracijo leta 2021 izvedla novinarka Marta Peirano.

Empathy Swarm: lecture and workshop with artists
19. April - 26. April 2022
FERI, Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications, Maribor
Collaborate with a robotic swarm and experience technology in an artistic context. Get to know his creative possibilities, technical challenges and solutions and share your expertise.

Creative Studio OS
15. April - 28. May 2022
Interdisciplinary laboratory for children and parents at Koroška 18, Maribor
The konS platform and the Nagib association are establishing a new space for play and experiment, where children and parents connect and explore the “axis” or “axis” of various artistic and non-artistic practices.

Making a solar system
14. April 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for children aged 9 to 14 in KreatorLab, Preradovičeva ulica 40, Maribor
MKC Maribor has set a month for space in April, so we will make a model of the solar system at the workshop, which will take place in two parts of three hours each, and we will be able to take it home.

Žičke + gumbi = klaviatura
13. April 2022 at 17:00
Delavnica za otroke med 9. in 15. letom v Xcentru, Nova Gorica
Vas zanima kako iz klaviature izvabimo zvok? Kako lahko sami določimo kako glasno bo zvenel določen zvok in kakšna bo višina določenega tona?

Kreativni studio za otroke in starše / konS + Nagib
8. April - 9. April 2022
Odprtje interdisciplinarnega programa za predšolske otroke in starše, Koroška 18, Maribor
Vzpostavljamo Kreativni studio OS, prvi interdisciplinarni studio za otroke in starše, prostor svobodnega in odprtega vključevanja v ustvarjalne procese.

BridA: Biometric portraits
4. April 2022 at 16:00
Workshop for children between 9 and 14 years of age at the Kunigunda Multimedia Center, Velenje
The art workshop critically and creatively touches on the issue of capturing private data using various measuring devices and sensors implemented in smartphones, watches, ...

Narisani žužki oživijo
4. April 2022 at 12:45
Delavnica za tretjo triado učencev Osnovne šole Livada, Velenje
Si se kdaj spraševal, kako bi nekaj narisanega na listu lahko oživelo? Si vedel, da lahko s posebnim črnilom narišeš žuželko, potem pa se z majhno pomočjo elektrike začne premikati?

BridA: Manufacture of spacecraft
2. April 2022 at 10:00
Workshop for children between 9 and 15 years of age in the Cultural Incubator, MKC Maribor
Using a variety of materials and a great deal of artistic inspiration, we will make rocket models that will take off with the help of water pressure.

Investigative learning and creativity in innovative learning environments
31. March 2022 at 10:00
Training in the Štih Hall CD within the Cultural Bazaar, Ljubljana
Professional training in the form of group mapping and public discussion at the Cultural Bazaar in Ljubljana.

BEAM TEAM: Žarčim oblike
28. March 2022 at 17:00
Delavnica za mlade in odrasle v Knjižnici Mirana Jarca, Novo mesto
Vključi se v proces izdelave tridimenzionalne konstrukcije namenjene video mapiranju in izdelaj vsebine za izbrane površine končne prostorske kompozicije.

28. March - 30. March 2022
Workshop for children and youth (9+) in Xcentar, Nova Gorica
Let's get to know the slimes and why they are interesting to explore for both artists and scientists! In the workshop, we create a sound system that includes the production of an oscillator and the production of so-called mucus spores.

konS modul ≡ 2022: A SOUND ARSON – konS story
26. March 2022 at 18:00
Festival of different music in eMCe plac, Šaleška cesta 3, Velenje
CarlxJohnson, U$IŁ, Bednja, Brgs: Underground in My Living Room, Chrup, Mitja Kralj, s0n667.

BridA: Biometrični portreti
26. March 2022 at 10:00
Delavnica za otroke med 9. in 15. letom v Kulturnem inkubatorju, MKC Maribor
Umetniška delavnica se na kritičen in kreativen način dotakne problematike zajemanja zasebnih podatkov z uporabo različnih merilnih naprav in senzorjev, ki so implementirani v pametnih telefonih, urah, ...

Kripto – Od A do Ž
26. March 2022 at 16:00
Delavnica za mlade in odrasle v Inkubatorju, Maribor
Skozi seminar in delavnico bomo podrobno izvedeli osnovne pojme kripto sveta, njegov nastanek, trenutno situacijo ter uporabno vrednost.

konS modul ≡ DJ / VJ Live Act Performance
25. March 2022 at 20:00
Performance and presentation in eMCe plac, Šaleška cesta 3, Velenje
Presentation of the sound book on the 25th anniversary of the eMCe plac and the opening of the exhibition by Ksenija Mikor and RGB series: Cogo meets Orbe with VJ iøsub $ ystems

konS Platform in Maribor (2019–2023)
22. March - 15. April 2022
Exhibition in the Media Nox Gallery, Židovski trg, Maribor
Documentary-analytical layout, designed by the Maribor team of the konS platform and graphically executed by Toni Soprano. The intermedia layout includes statistical data on the operation and activities of the platform within the Maribor hub Incubator (Cultural Incubator - MKC Maribor) or so called konS.MB.

Tadej Droljc: Laserski grafiti
21. March - 23. March 2022
Delavnica za mlade na Akademiji za umetnost UNG, Nova Gorica
Kako programirati in uporabljati laserski projektor? Fokus delavnice na DIY pristopu, ki bazira na nadzorovanju laserja z avdio signali, ter uporabi za namene svetlobnega grafitiranja.

BridA: Biometric portraits
21. March 2022 at 16:00
Workshop for children between 9 and 14 years of age at the Cultural Incubator, Maribor
The art workshop critically and creatively touches on the issue of capturing private data using various measuring devices and sensors implemented in smartphones, watches, ...

BridA: Likovni tokokrog
19. March 2022 at 10:00
Delavnica za otroke med 9. in 15. letom v Kulturnem inkubatorju, MKC Maribor
Kako lahko risba ali likovno delo hkrati zaživi kot energijski tokokrog? Na delavnici združimo sicer nasprotne pole vrednosti kot so funkcionalnost in umetniško sporočilo, z namenom iskanja kreativnih potencialov znotraj interdisciplinarnih umetniških praks.

konS modul ≡ UNIVERSE konS edition
18. March 2022
Music event in Klub eMce plac, Šaleška cesta 3, Velenje
The Universe Society in cooperation with konS presents an audio-visual psychedelic journey with the help of: Mnogook, Brothers of d'Light, Sun Wu-Kong

Saša Spačal: Bralnik svetlobe
15. March 2022 at 17:00
Delavnica za mlade in odrasle v regionalnem multimedijskem centru Kunigunda, Velenje
Izdelali bomo preprost fizični vmesnik za sprožanje zvoka s svetlobo, t.i. "bralnik svetlobe", ki ga sestavljata mehanski del, ki omogoča nadzor svetlobe s preluknjanimi diski, in elektronski del sestavljen iz dveh integriranih vezij.

Thomas Gorbach: The Development of the Ephemeral Dynamic-Motion Sound Sculptures
14. March - 15. March 2022
Workshop by Thomas Gorbach for sound artists at Kino Šiška, Katedrala Hall
On the workshop, Thomas Gorbach will explain the principles of the loudspeaker architecture of his Acousmonium, the logic of the configuration of the channels and the musical principles of the analysis and performance notation of acousmatic works in the specially developed script.

BEAM TEAM: Žarčim oblike
14. March - 16. March 2022
Delavnica za mlade in odrasle v Knjižnici Mirana Jarca, Novo mesto
Meniš, da video mapiranje lahko postane tvoj medij? Te zanima, kako lahko prežarčiš video na instalacije, gledališke kulise in pročelja stavb?

BridA: LIDAR-3D, kreativna virutalizacija
12. March 2022 at 10:00
Delavnica za otroke med 9. in 15. letom v Kulturnem inkubatorju, MKC Maribor
Delavnica omogoča spoznavanje nove tehnologije, ki ob njeni praktični uporabi v digitalizaciji okolja predstavlja velik kreativni in umetniški potencial.

Usposabljanje za mentorje – Nova Gorica
11. March 2022 at 17:00
Usposabljanje za mentorje v xCentru, Nova Gorica
Za vse, ki bi svojo energijo radi posredovali mladim in znanja željnim: matematičarke_ji, mehatroničarke_ji, elektrotehničarke_ji, programerke_ji, biotehnologinje_i, umetnice_ki, fotografinje_i, pedagoginje_i, znanstvenice_ki, študentke_i, dijakinje_i …

Usposabljanje za mentorje – Novo mesto
10. March 2022 at 17:00
Usposabljanje za mentorje v LokalPatriotu, Novo mesto
Za vse, ki bi svojo energijo radi posredovali mladim in znanja željnim: matematičarke_ji, mehatroničarke_ji, elektrotehničarke_ji, programerke_ji, biotehnologinje_i, umetnice_ki, fotografinje_i, pedagoginje_i, znanstvenice_ki, študentke_i, dijakinje_i …

Michele Spanghero: Ad lib.
10. March - 8. April 2022
Sound sculpture in xCenter, Nova Gorica
Sound sculpture Ad lib. combines a medical machine for automatic lung ventilation with organ flutes that play a musical chord in a constant rhythm of mechanical breathing. This breathing of an artificial organ sounds metaphorically like a mechanical requiem.

Usposabljanje za mentorje – Maribor
9. March 2022 at 17:00
Usosabljanje za mentorje v Inkubatorju, Maribor
Za vse, ki bi svojo energijo radi posredovali mladim in znanja željnim: matematičarke_ji, mehatroničarke_ji, elektrotehničarke_ji, programerke_ji, biotehnologinje_i, umetnice_ki, fotografinje_i, pedagoginje_i, znanstvenice_ki, študentke_i, dijakinje_i …

Kakšen vonj ima prihodnost
8. March 2022 at 10:00
Delavnica za študente, učitelje in mentorje v Kulturnem inkubatorju, Maribor
Na izkustveni delavnici bomo raziskali okolico stavbe in poiskali material, za katerega menimo, da bo oddajal vonj, ki bo ostal za nami, ljudmi, v prihodnosti čez 150 let.

BridA: LIDAR-3D, kreativna virutalizacija
8. March 2022 at 16:00
Delavnica za otroke od 7 do 14 let v Multimedijskem centru Kunigunda, Velenje
Delavnica omogoča spoznavanje nove tehnologije, ki ob njeni praktični uporabi v digitalizaciji okolja predstavlja velik kreativni in umetniški potencial.

Usposabljanje za mentorje – Velenje
7. March 2022 at 17:00
Usposabljanje za mentorje v KRMC, Velenje
Za vse, ki bi svojo energijo radi posredovali mladim in znanja željnim: matematičarke_ji, mehatroničarke_ji, elektrotehničarke_ji, programerke_ji, biotehnologinje_i, umetnice_ki, fotografinje_i, pedagoginje_i, znanstvenice_ki, študentke_i, dijakinje_i …

Žičke + gumbi = klaviatura
2. March 2022 at 17:00
Delavnica za študente in odrasle v sodelovanju s KMŠ v Pisarni, Maribor
Spoznaj kaj so potenciometri, kakšna je njihova vloga na različnih napravah, kaj lahko kontrolirajo in kako lahko nastavimo, da vplivajo na zvok.

2. March 2022 at 17:00
Delavnica za otroke in mlade med 9. in 15. letom starosti v Xcentru, Nova Gorica
Na delavnici bomo spoznali, kako delujejo zvočniki in kaj zvok sploh je. Naučili se bomo izdelati preprost zvočnik iz papirnatih krožnikov, magneta in bakrene žice.

BridA: Biometric portraits
28. February 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for children and young people between 9 and 15 years of age in the Miran Jarc Library, Novo mesto
We take measurements, then look for hidden creative and artistic potentials in them and develop a way to use them for painting: through thinking and analyzing the captured information, we will find together what our modern biometric image should be.

konS modul ≡ DANCING BEAR konS edition
26. February 2022 at 21:00
DJ set in eMCe plac, Šaleška cesta 3, Velenje
Traditional dance party, which combines the quality of golden hits of Eurodance from the 90s and early beginnings of the third millennium, as well as the percussion, jumpiness and stunningness of the hardbass vibes coming from behind the Carpathians.

konS modul ≡ MIC: Presentation of activities
24. February 2022 at 16:30
Presentation at the Inter-enterprise Education Center - MIC, Koroška cesta 62a, Velenje
Presentation of three major projects: Talentjourney, 3D Printing Laboratory 3D printing and Bicy System.

23. February 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for young people and adults in the Cultural Incubator, Maribor
You can use PixeLBrooch to determine exactly what she will say and she doesn't have to say anything about you, she can show any text that you program into her chip!

konS modul ≡ Contemporary investigative art: Maja Smrekar
23. February 2022 at 17:00
Lecture at Villa Bianca, Stari trg 3, Velenje
At the lecture, we will walk through a broader presentation of artistic practice, the award-winning and internationally acclaimed artist Maja Smrekar.

konS modul ≡ Sound interweaving V5.6
22. February 2022 at 20:22
Performance in the Cultural Center - small hall, Titov trg 4, Velenje
The concert of the Sound Interweaving project in version 5.6 represents an upgrade of the sound-compositional organism captured on 6 December 2021, which is joined by light performed by the OM production collective.

Tadej Droljc: Laser graffiti
21. February - 23. February 2022
Workshop for young people and adults in the Miran Jarc Library, Novo mesto
How to program and use a laser projector? Through a DIY approach based on laser control with audio signals, we will perform light graffiti or artistic interventions.

konS modul ≡ Smart cities and communities
21. February 2022 at 18:00
Round table in Vila Bianca, Stari trg 3, Velenje
How to create smart communities that can rely on high technologies to meet societal needs in line with the goals of sustainable development?

konS modul ≡ DRUM’N’BASS konS edition
19. February 2022 at 21:00
Concert in eMCe plac, Šaleška cesta 3, Velenje
This evening, the two largest Drum and Bass scenes in Slovenia (BassFighters - Maribor and Basolovka - Ljubljana) will unite in Velenje with the support of local DJs.

konS modul ≡ Speake[R]plate
18. February 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for young people and adults in xCenter, Nova Gorica
How do speakers work - and most importantly - how can you make them yourself? We will make a simple speaker out of paper plates, a magnet and copper wire and a necessary accessory: an amplifier.

konS modul ≡ Gašper Selko project X.U.L. and the Borzak ensemble
18. February 2022 at 20:00
Concert in the House of Culture - small hall, Titov trg 4, Velenje
A collage of different musical styles: from Cuban rhythms and melodies to the influence of Balkan melodies, the ensemble develops sound and style that is something atypical for the Slovenian music scene.

New approaches to learning: Research learning and creativity
17. February 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for teachers, mentors, providers of educational programs in Rampa / Lab, Likozarjeva 1, Ljubljana
Intertwining technology and art, group mapping and public discussion: we invite teachers from ten schools who are interested in different and, above all, different approaches to learning.

Wires + buttons = keyboard
17. February 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for young people and adults in the Oton Youth Center, Župančičevo sprehajališče 1, Novo mesto
Making a simple prototype of a keyboard from several keys and buttons and getting to know potentiometers, what their role is on different devices, what they can control and how we can set them to affect sound.

konS modul ≡ KNOCK KNOCK: What’s there?
17. February - 26. February 2022
Interactive a / v installation in the former Hummel store in NC Mercator, Šaleška cesta 1, Velenje
The humanoid depicted in the shop window stares at the street and waits for human contact. The distractions caused by the visitor through their interaction become a link between the real world and the projection.

konS modul ≡ BridA: Art Circuit
17. February 2022 at 16:00
Workshop for children and young people between 9 and 15 years of age at the Regional Multimedia Center Kunigunda, Velenje
Making real and functional printed circuit boards, as with the motherboards of all electronic devices - with one difference: ours will be creative creations with artistic content.

Joana Moll: Carbolytics
16. February - 11. March 2022
Web tracking project in the Aksioma Project Space, Ljubljana
Carbolytics is a project at the intersection of art and research that aims to raise awareness and call for action on the environmental impact of pervasive surveillance within the advertising technology ecosystem (AdTech), as well as to provide a new perspective to address the social and environmental costs of opaque data collection practices.

konS modul ≡ The Game
16. February - 26. February 2022
Interactive sound installation in Pattern City, Kidričeva cesta 2b, Velenje
The Game is a game and playground for 2–4 players, 16 electric motors and a string table that combines special features and principles: card game, playing an instrument and musical improvisation in a temporary performative situation.

The Hidden Life of a Browser
16. February - 17. February 2022
Workshop in the production of Aksioma at the ALUO, Ljubljana
An in-depth understanding of the many vectors that come together in the configuration of the digital economy, and the provision of technical and analytical skills to regain control of the practices of business models that abuse AT.

Kakšen vonj ima prihodnost
16. February 2022 at 17:00
Delavnica za učitelje, mentorje, izvajalce izobraževalnih programov v xCentru, Nova gorica
Na izkustveni delavnici bomo raziskali okolico stavbe in poiskali material, za katerega menimo, da bo oddajal vonj, ki bo ostal za nami, ljudmi, v prihodnosti čez 150 let.

konS modul ≡ Gregor Krpič: DIY Chime
15. February 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for young people and adults in the regional multimedia center Kunigunda, Velenje
Let’s make a standalone electronic speaker that is a redesigned copy of Synchime. What is Synchime? A cult product of the 80s of the last century, which acquired electronic percussive sounds.

Pixel pushing opposite
14. February 2022 at 16:00
Workshop for young people and adults in the Miran Jarc Library, Novo mesto
Do you like playing video games and wondering how they are created? Do you also want to learn the basics of game programming? Join us on the basis of Racket programming from the “family” of LISP programming languages.

konS modul ≡ Speake[R]plate
14. February 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for young people and adults in the regional multimedia center Kunigunda, Velenje
How do speakers work - and most importantly - how can you make them yourself? We will make a simple speaker out of paper plates, a magnet and copper wire and a necessary accessory: an amplifier.

konS modul ≡ Sound Interweaving
10. February - 26. February 2022
Sound installation in Pekarna, Stari trg 17, Velenje
Sound manifestation of animal activity, which through the specific organization of sound mass can also reach the field of communication between living beings.

DIY Alarm Clock
9. February 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for young people and adults in Rampa / Lab, Likozarjeva ulica 1 (Kersnikova bell), Ljubljana
From electronic components and a wooden case, we will make an alarm clock that will be triggered in the morning light by waking up together with the sun, which will help us establish a constant rhythm.

konS modul ≡ Constructively on konS
9. February 2022 at 18:00
Round table in Vila Bianca, Stari trg 3, Velenje
Through the main guidelines, we present the concept of the operation of the platform and contents.

konS modul ≡ Surface
7. February - 26. February 2022
Opening of the modul organized by MC Velenje, exhibition in the Velenje Library
Research on the relationship between the human body and a computer program in replicating the visual properties of the skin.

7. February - 26. February 2022
Opening of the modul organized by MC Velenje, exhibition in the Velenje Library
The interactive generator creates collages of surreal landscapes, and the interaction is based on the flow of news, more or less closely related to environmental issues.

BridA: DIY
2. February 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for children, young people and less young people in Xcenter, Nova Gorica
The workshop, which is actually a performance, is based on a software application that can turn any picture into audio instructions on how to paint it, on the basis of which the participants enter the process of creating a work of art.

BridA: The Art Circuit
31. January 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for children and young people between 9 and 15 years of age in the Miran Jarc Library, Novo mesto
Making real and functional printed circuit boards, as with the motherboards of all electronic devices - with one difference: ours will be creative creations with artistic content.

29. January 2022 at 10:00
Test workshop of community-designed device OctoSens with domestic DIY artists in the eighth / for, Ljubljana
The result of last year's art residency: to create a community of electronic sound creators and create a product that could be offered on the market, in the form of a whale or as a workshop, thus promoting financial independence.

24. January 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for children and young people between 9 and 15 years of age in the Miran Jarc Library, Novo mesto
In the workshop, you will connect small LED lights into the housing, which will form a screen of larger “pixels” and will display text or even simple animations!

Andy Gracie: Catastrophe Jangled Hideously Out Of Process
20. January - 11. March 2022
Art installation in xcenter, Nova Gorica
The saturation of the media with post-catastrophic images has caused a certain desensitization, and at the same time we are fetishizing this kind of material, we want even more such thorns, our gaze falls into the trap of this reality that has become unusual.

BridA: Micro:bit
19. January 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for children and young people between 9 and 15 years of age in xcenter, Nova Gorica
Controlling lights and sounds remotely? At the Micro: bit workshop, we will focus on programming and the concrete use of devices that will control light and sound via a software interface!

BridA: LIDAR-3D, creative visualization
17. January 2022 at 17:00
Workshop for young people from the age of 12 in the Miran Jarc Library, Novo mesto
Experience how to transfer reality or objects with the help of technology into the virtual world, where many possibilities of creative manipulation open up, which allows objects to be easily modified.

28. December 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for children between 9 and 15 years of age in the Kulturni inkubator, MKC Maribor
In the workshop, you will also solder small LED lights into the housing, which will form a screen of larger “pixels” and will display text or even simple animations!

Vinyl Factory – Drawing sound into a record
22. December 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for young people and adults in the Cultural Incubator, Maribor
Get to know the sound recording device and find out how it works, what are the components that make it up. And: we will also make a unique example!

DIY Alarm Clock
21. December 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for children between 9 and 15 years of age in the Kulturni inkubator, MKC Maribor
We will learn more about circadian rhythms and the circadian clock, and we will also learn why a balanced rhythm is important and what are the consequences of its disturbances.

Drawn bugs are alive
20. December 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for children between 9 and 15 years of age in the Miran Jarc Library, Novo mesto
Have you ever wondered how something drawn on a piece of paper could come to life? Did you know that you can draw an insect with a special ink, and then with a little help from electricity it starts to move?

Digital christmas
20. December 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for children and young people between 9 and 15 years of age in the Cultural Incubator, Maribor
A dancing fir tree? A deer that really runs, moves its legs - on the ground AND in the air !? This is possible at the LEGO robotics workshop!

15. December 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for young people and adults in the Kulturni inkubator, MKC Maribor
Make yourself a synth that you control right on your hand while you wait for the bus or the next school hour.

Making a mini zoetrope
14. December 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for children between 9 and 15 years of age in the Kulturni inkubator, MKC Maribor
The device will be made from a used CD or DVD player mechanism, Arduino microcontroller, high-brightness white LED, and some auxiliary elements.

Making a mini zoetrope
13. December 2021 at 16:00
Workshop for children and young people between 9 and 15 years of age in the Miran Jarc Library, Novo mesto
The device will be made from a used CD or DVD player mechanism, Arduino microcontroller, high-brightness white LED, and some auxiliary elements.

Cell Phone Disco
8. December - 17. January 2022
Intermedia installation by Auke Touwslager and Ursula Lavrenčič in the xcenter, Nova Gorica
In their work, Auke Touwslager and Ursula Lavrenčič explore the invisible world of sound waves, frequencies and the electromagnetic field: an installation that visualizes the electromagnetic field of active mobile phones.

Jaka Berger: Creating music with the sounds of the environment
7. December 2021 at 16:00
Workshop for young people and adults in the regional multimedia center Kunigunda, Velenje
The aim of the workshop is to show young people how to create their own (pop) song with minimal resources and accessible technology, and at the same time we will try to encourage creativity and innovation among young people without huge amounts of money for technical equipment.

strings + buttons = keyboard
6. December 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for children between 9 and 15 years of age in the Miran Jarc Library, Novo mesto
Wondering how to extract sound from a keyboard? How can we determine for ourselves how loud a certain sound will sound and what the pitch of a certain tone will be? In our workshop we will make a simple prototype of a keyboard from several keys or. buttons.

2. December 2021 at 16:00
Workshop for children and young people between 9 and 15 years of age in RampaLab, Kersnikova, Ljubljana
At the workshop, participants will learn all about the properties of mucous membranes that indicate a different form of intelligence, how they can cultivate them themselves and how they can be included in electronic circuits.

Drawn bugs are alive
30. November 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for children and youth between 9 and 15 years of age at the Regional Multimedia Center Kunigunda, Velenje
Did you know that you can draw an insect with a special ink, and then with a little help from electricity it starts to move?

Cycling glove
30. November 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for children between 9 and 15 years of age in the Kulturni inkubator, MKC Maribor
At the workshop, children and young people will get acquainted with the world of e-textiles: they will learn about basic e-textile materials, tools and options, and make a smart cycling glove.

Comic book exhibition: We need to talk, AI
29. November - 20. December 2021
Exhibition in the Velenje Library co-organized by the Velenje Youth Center
Will robots do all the unpleasant work for us in thirty years? Or will they subdue us to become submissive slaves? A pioneering comic essay on AI invites you on an illustrated journey through the dimensions and implications of innovative technology.

konS modul ≡ Velenje
25. November - 11. December 2021
Different locations in Velenje
This modul is a great opportunity for more connections between public institutions, companies and other organizations, as we discover new spaces and new opportunities for collaboration and production due to the diverse content, different requirements, breadth of the program and technical needs.

25. November 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for children and young people between 9 and 15 years of age in RampaLab, Kersnikova, Ljubljana
At the workshop, participants will learn all about the properties of mucous membranes that indicate a different form of intelligence, how they can cultivate them themselves and how they can be included in electronic circuits.

STA Science – online discussion
23. November 2021 at 12:00
Online discussion by STA Science
As part of the STAscience project, the Slovenian Press Agency invites you to an online discussion on the intertwining of art and science, with an emphasis on the intersection of these fields in contemporary art. The event will take place on Tuesday, November 23, at 12.00 and can be watched live online.

23. November 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for children between 9 and 15 years of age in the Kulturni inkubator, MKC Maribor
At the workshop, the participants will get acquainted with the peculiarities of mucus, watch a variety of experiments and explain why we say they are so smart.

Sound microscope
22. November 2021 at 11:00
Workshop for elementary school students Danilo Kumar
The purpose of the workshop is to arouse interest in the sonority of the world, which is generally inaudible to us: to hear and create the sound of everyday objects and at the same time assemble a mechanical device for listening to barely perceptible, silent sounds, a sound microscope.

Virtual career fair – for high school students
22. November - 28. November 2021
Online platform of the Virtual Career Fair
This year, too, we are important parts of the Virtual Career Fair 2021, which will take place in two parts: first for primary school students, then for secondary school students.

Solar robots
17. November 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for children and young people between 9 and 15 years of age in xcenter, Nova Gorica
Solarbotches made up of old computer parts will move and hum with the help of light. Through our work, we will also learn about renewable energy sources and soldering electrical elements.

VideoLab – workshop on the basics of recording and editing
16. November 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for children between 9 and 15 years of age in the Cultural Incubator, MKC Maribor
In the VideoLab workshop you will learn how to record video, you will learn about the settings on the camera, how light affects video and what to look for in sound.

(re)programming: Accountability
15. November 2021 at 19:00
A series of online lectures
Eyal Weizman founded Forensic Architecture to test a methodology for analyzing the occupation of Gaza as a crime scene, using buildings as witnesses, satellite data as evidence and models and artificial intelligence as tools for the testing and verification of new hypotheses.

Virtual career fair – for primary school students
15. November - 21. November 2021
Online platform of the Virtual Career Fair
This year, too, we are important parts of the Virtual Career Fair 2021, which will take place in two parts: first for primary school students, then for secondary school students.

Cultural Bazaar in Maribor
15. November 2021 at 09:00
MKC Maribor in cooperation with SNG Maribor, Slovenska ulica 27 in Maribor
Join us and visit our stand at the Cultural Bazaar, the largest national inter-ministerial project in the field of cultural and artistic education, this time at the Slovene National Theatre Maribor.

10. November 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for young people and adults in the Kulturni inkubator, Maribor
The "dictator" is best known for creating roaring riffs from the trumpets, but in recent years it has also been increasingly used by synthesizer enthusiasts, as it has benefited from the richness of the sound.

Jaka Berger: Creating music with the sounds of the environment
8. November 2021 at 16:00
Workshop for young people aged 14 to 19 in the Miran Jarc Library, Novo mesto
How to create your own (pop) song with minimal resources and accessible technology? The workshop encourages creation and innovation in its own way, without huge amounts of money for technical equipment, studios and other conventional elements of the music industry.

Sound Microscope
3. November 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for kids (7-13) at xcenter, Nova Gorica
The purpose of the workshops is to arouse interest in the sonority of the world, which is generally inaudible to us. Hear and create the sounds of everyday objects and at the same time assemble a mechanical device for listening to barely perceptible, silent sounds, sound microscopes.

Lego Stop Motion
26. October 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for kids (9-14) in Kulturni inkubator, MKC Maribor
This time we will revolve the story around lego figurines, which we will first assemble, name and assign them a role in our short video.

Press conference and presentation of the results of the autonomous laboratory
25. October 2021 at 12:00
Press conference in the Incubator, Koroška ulica 18, and online

What shape is the sound
20. October 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for children from 9 to 15 years in the xcenter, Delpinova ulica 20, Nova Gorica
If you would like to know how we can see sound, join us in a workshop on making a "synesthetic" cable, which will give us a synesthetic experience or communicate with sound and images.

VideoLab – VideoLab – workshop on the basics of filming and editing
19. October 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for kids (9-14) in Kulturni inkubator, MKC Maribor
In the VideoLab workshop you will learn how to record video, you will learn about the settings on the camera, how light affects video and what to watch out for in sound.

(re) programming: Communities
18. October 2021 at 19:00
A series of online lectures (re) programming
How can we act collectively in an age of extreme polarization, isolation, dehumanization, and dystopian imagination? What can we build from the ashes of the Arab Spring and movements like Indignados and Occupy Wall Street?

Draw with Code
16. October - 17. October 2021
Workshop for pupils, students, adults in the Kulturni inkubator, MKC Maribor
Are you interested in visual expression and would like to try it in a new way? Do you want to draw with program code? Would you like to try livecoding? Join us for a two-day workshop with mentor Blaž Pavlica!

Digital center of Slovenia – 5G and cyber security
15. October 2021 at 09:00
Digital Center of Slovenia, BTC Ljubljana
At each event, pupils, students and teachers learn about technologies and competencies for the professions of the future in the form of short interactive workshops, where they can test themselves and get acquainted with modern technology in various fields.

15. October 2021 at 22:00
LiveAct concert event in GT22, Glavni trg 22, Maribor
Exploring intersections in the genres of deep techno, electro and micro-house. Everything we hear from the speakers and see on the screen will be unrepeatable, unique and unpredictable.

parkParty (parkŽur)
14. October 2021 at 16:00
An experiential trip for over 8 years old in MC Velenje
Want to get entangled between tree roots? Listen to them? The parkŽur workshop will take you in an informed way to explore and get to know the surroundings.

Gregor Krpič: DIY Chime
13. October 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for pupils, students, adults in the Kulturni inkubator, MKC Maribor
The workshop enables the participants to be empowered with knowledge and skills for the independent production of any electronic device and for its possible further development.

Drawn bugs are alive
12. October 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for kids (9-14) in Kulturni inkubator, MKC Maribor
Did you know that you can draw an insect with a special ink, and then with a little help from electricity it starts to move?

UROŠ temporary autonomous laboratory
8. October - 26. October 2021
Autonomous laboratory in the Incubator, Koroška cesta 18, Maribor
The upcoming series of events and activities are globally connected in the Hackteria network and in the GOSH community and will regionally bring together some interesting people for cooperation, exchange, learning and development in Maribor, Slovenia.

Stefan Doepner: A drawing dance robot
8. October - 26. October 2021
Exhibition in the exhibition Vijol'čna bajta, Tyrševa in Gosposka ulica, Maribor
Exhibition of drawing dance robots

Daniel Brownell, Miranda Moss: Gallus Gallus Roboticus
8. October - 15. October 2021
Exhibition in the POLZELA shop, Gosposka ulica 13, Maribor
The surprise of the fact that seven billion daily male chickens die each year worldwide, as the poultry industry rates them as “uneconomical,” is the starting point for Gallus gallus roboticus, the development of open source AI that can detect the sex of a chicken in a wrapper.

Daniel Brownell, Miranda Moss: Gallus Gallus Roboticus
8. October - 15. October 2021
Exhibition in the Faculty of Agronomy, Pivola, Hoče
The surprise of the fact that seven billion daily male chickens die each year worldwide, as the poultry industry rates them as “uneconomical,” is the starting point for Gallus gallus roboticus, the development of open source AI that can detect the sex of a chicken in a wrapper.

Adam Donovan: Empathy Swarm Orchestra – Cyber Intimacy
8. October - 15. October 2021
Exhibition in the AJDA shop, Glavni trg 23, Maribor
The proposed work includes 50 autonomous swarms that create an emotionally charged atmosphere with their behavior and sound with directional acoustics. T

Andrej Žižek: city{making}sense
8. October - 15. October 2021
Exhibition in the Modna hiša, Partizanska 3-5, Maribor
The cities of the future are cities that use the sensory infrastructure in an organic way for “feeling” and connected reaction, and these are connected by a “rational set,” City AI. The C{M}S project is an exploration of this phenomenon and a demonstration of the technological model of the sensitive city of the future.

Boštjan Perovšek: Sound Interweaving V5.6
8. October 2021 at 18:30
Performance in Vetrinjski dvor, Vetrinjska ulica 30, Maribor
The concert of the Sound Interweaving project in version 5.6 represents an upgrade of the sound-compositional organism captured on October 8, 2021.

Adam Donovan: Empathy Swarm Orchestra – Cyber Intimacy
8. October - 15. October 2021
Exhibition in the lobby of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics - FERI, Koroška cesta 46, Maribor
A cybernetic robot artwork and a multi-channel audio piece that includes 50 autonomous swarms that create an emotionally charged atmosphere with their behavior and sound with directional acoustics.

Tilen Sepič: Cosmic Rain
29. September 2021 at 20:00
Light and sound installation at the opening of the xcenter in Nova Gorica
Light and sound installation Cosmic Rain by artist Tilno Sepič deals with the analysis and visualization of the phenomenon of cosmic rays, invisible high-energy particles that originate from outer space, mostly outside our solar system.

Light Reader
29. September 2021 at 18:00
Workshop for children between 9 and 15 years of age at the opening of the xcenter in Nova Gorica
The light reader consists of a mechanical part that allows light control with perforated discs, and an electronic part consisting of two integrated circuits that generate sound according to the light intensity.

parkParty (parkŽur)
25. September 2021 at 11:30
Outdoor workshop for children of the Zone Institute as part of the Bobri festival
Want to get entangled between tree roots? Listen to them? Actively observe and explore the natural surroundings in a fun way? The parkŽur workshop will take you in an informed way to explore and get to know the surroundings.

DI(Y)storzor – napredna stopnja
24. September 2021 at 10:00
Delavnica za otroke in odrasle v Xcentru, Nova Gorica
Ustvarjalna delavnica, na kateri izdelamo distorzor, ki s preoblikovanjem/popačenjem vhodnega avdiosignala izhodnemu dodaja višje harmonske komponente.

DI(Y)storzor – osnovna stopnja
24. September 2021 at 15:00
Delavnica za otroke in odrasle v Xcentru, Nova Gorica
Ustvarjalna delavnica, na kateri izdelamo distorzor, ki s preoblikovanjem/popačenjem vhodnega avdiosignala izhodnemu dodaja višje harmonske komponente.

parkParty (parkŽur)
24. September 2021 at 10:00
Outdoor workshop for children of the Zone Institute as part of the Bobri festival
Want to get entangled between tree roots? Listen to them? Actively observe and explore the natural surroundings in a fun way? The parkŽur workshop will take you in an informed way to explore and get to know the surroundings.

Along the paths of inter-species communication
22. September 2021 at 10:00
Experience workshop of the Zone Institute within the Bobri festival
Through an experience workshop, they discover the sound world of different animals and learn about the differences between sound communication and sound creativity of different animal species. What do animals communicate, why do they communicate and when can their sounds be understood as an expression of sonic creativity?

(𝗿𝗲)𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗹𝗼𝘂𝗱
20. September 2021 at 19:00
Online discussion curated by Marta Peirano
Joana Moll studies the real environmental and social impact of The Cloud and the data extraction industry, calculating the amount of CO2 the Cloud burps into the atmosphere every time we lazy-Google the name of an actor or the amount of freedom we give away everytime we swipe left on a Tinder offer.

Po poteh medvrstne komunikacije
18. September 2021 at 11:30
Izkustvena delavnica Zavoda Cona v okviru festivala Bobri
Skozi doživljajsko delavnico odkrivajo zvočni svet različnih živali ter spoznavajo razlike med zvočno komunikacijo in zvočno ustvarjalnostjo različnih živalskih vrst. Kaj živali sporočajo, zakaj komunicirajo in kdaj lahko njihove zvoke razumemo kot izraz zvočne ustvarjalnosti?

Digital Center Slovenia – Let’s get to know the technology and professions of the future
15. September 2021
Digital Center of Slovenia, BTC Ljubljana
At each event, pupils, students and teachers learn about technologies and competencies for the professions of the future in the form of short interactive workshops, where they can test themselves and get acquainted with modern technology in various fields.

konS at MOS Celje
15. September - 19. September 2021
With the refined concept of the largest business fair event in the region, MOS represents a new direction that will open new areas for companies to provide a green, digital and resilient economy.

Deep changing – About transforming society through a social value change
10. September 2021 at 14:00
Online discussion
About the need of producing breakthrough art projects, about connecting knowledge centres and researchers with artists, and about translating artistic ideations into innovation processes for the industry of the next century

Shared adventure of making a creative tool – part 2
9. September - 4. October 2021
Final part of Artist in residence with Vaclav Peloušek at osmo/za, Ljubljana
In the course of a 2 months-long residency at osmo/za, artist and synth developer Václav Peloušek will work closely with the local community while facilitating the process of developing a creative tool – from ideation to the final product.

DIY budilka
24. August 2021 at 17:00
Delavnica za otroke med 9. in 15. letom v okviru Festivala Kunigunda
Iz elektronskih komponent in lesenega ohišja bomo izdelali budilko, ki se bo sprožila ob jutranji svetlobi, tako da se bomo odslej zbujali skupaj s soncem

Tadej Droljc: Žarkolom
23. August 2021 at 21:00
Umetniški projekt v Veliki dvorani Doma kulture Velenje v okviru Festivala Kunigunda
Kombinacije zvoka in slik omogoča osebno doživetje avdiovizualne resničnosti, ki je napolnjena s podzavestnimi željami in čustvi

Jazz ‘ma mlade na gradu Bogenšperk
6. August 2021 at 19:00
Grad Bogenšperk, Šmartno pri Litiji
V sodelovanju z MKC Maribor napovedujemo koncerte glasbenih zasedb Hauptman in birds of unknown, razstave vizualnih umetnikov, umetniško video projekcijo na grad: popolno doživetje za ušesa, oči, nos, brbončice in seveda - dušo!

konS modul ≡ Tara Pattenden: TEENSYnth
19. July 2021 at 17:00
workshop 16+, MC OTON; Novo mesto
In the workshop we will experiment and explore the sound options derived by Teensy board 3.2.

modul ≡ Lovrenc Košenina: MyCroft / AI-sistent
14. July 17:00 - 16. July 2021
workshop 16+, MC OTON; Novo mesto
On the thematic workshop 'AI-sistent' participants will get acquainted with the concept of artificial intelligence and its applications in various fields of science and art.

Platform for Contemporary Investigative Arts
14. July 2021 at 20:00
round table in Miran Jarc Library, Novo mesto
In this round table we will present the concept of the platform, the content developed by the partners and the possibilities of cooperation with other interested organizations.

konS modul ≡ beepblip: Electromagnetic field sensors
12. July 2021 at 17:00
workshop for young and adults, MC OTON; Novo mesto
The workshop brings knowledge in DIY electronics and soldering, showing us how to assemble an electronic tool for recording.

modul ≡ Matej Stupica and Jaka Berger: The Game
7. July - 7. August 2021
Interactive sound instalation, xcenter, Nova Gorica
How does the tension between playing freely and playing according to a strict set of rules, competition and unpredictability, arbitrariness and improvisation sound like?

module ≡ Boštjan Perovšek: Interweaving Soundscapes
5. July - 24. July 2021
8-channel sound instalation, Glavni trg, Novo mesto
The exhibition reveals "invisible" sound world through the sound projection of insect and spider sound activity, and through a sound composition based on the same sound source.

module ≡ Boštjan Perovšek: Interweaving Soundscapes
5. July 2021 at 20:00
sound performance, Glavni trg, Novo mesto
Sound artist Boštjan Perovšek modulates various unprocessed sounds of spiders and insects and thus offers listeners a more direct insight into his experiencing of the sounds of these living beings.

modul ≡ Miranda Moss & Daniel Brownell: Gallus Gallus Roboticus
5. July - 24. July 2021
art project, Rozmanova ulica, Novo mesto
This art projects presents designing of an autonomous machine that ca affectionately care for the chickens.

modul ≡ Voranc Kumar: Surface
5. July - 24. July 2021
instalation, Glavni trg, Novo mesto
At the intersection of technology and epistemology, Voranc Kumar explores the relation between the human body and computer program while replicating skin's visual characteristics (subsurface scattering).

modul ≡ We Need to Talk, AI
5. July - 24. July 2021
comics exibition, Bookstore Goga, Novo mesto
This pioneering comic essay on AI invites you on an illustrated journey through the dimensions and implications of the groundbreaking technology.

Technological art camp
4. July - 9. June 2021
Technological art camp for children
Try yourself in the role of a researcher of contemporary arts! By connecting different scientific and artistic approaches and by using modern technologies, study and explore different processes in nature.

The Cultural Bazaar
29. June 2021 at 12:00
Cankarjev dom
At the Cultural Bazaar in Cankarjev dom we will discuss about research learning that offers quality knowledge and technological equipment to children and young people. Opened applications.

Staš Vrenko:, separate values (ločene vrednosti)
26. June 2021 at 12:00
Osmo/za, Slovenska 54, 8. nadstropje, Ljubljana
Practical presentation of the analog-digital signal processing tool, which was developed during the Staš Vrenko's art project conducted by konS Platform.

Staš Vrenko:, separate values (ločene vrednosti)
22. June 2021 at 18:00
Osmo/za, Slovenska 54, 8. nadstropje, Ljubljana
Practical presentation of the analog-digital signal processing tool, which was developed during the Staš Vrenko's art project conducted by konS Platform.

Staš Vrenko:, separate values (ločene vrednosti)
21. June 2021 at 18:00
Osmo/za, Slovenska 54, 8. nadstropje, Ljubljana
Practical presentation of the analog-digital signal processing tool, which was developed during the Staš Vrenko's art project conducted by konS Platform.

(re)programming: AI
21. June 2021 at 12:00
The series of streaming events
We have found ourselves at an existential crossroads: do we bring the mistakes of the enlightenment to biological end or should we develop vital possibilities for self-renewal?

Sintisajzer Teensy
17. June 2021 at 17:00
workshop for children 9+ v Kulturnem inkubatorju, Maribor
This time we are preparing a popular workshop for making your own synthesizer for children! After the workshop, children will be able to take the self-made instrument home and make their sound masterpieces on it.

Tara Pattenden: TEENSYnth
15. June 2021 at 17:00
workshop for children 9+ v KRMC, MC Velenje
Get acquainted with the sound options offered by the Teensy 3.2 development board, and by adding some basic electronic components (such as potentiometers and LDR) and thus assemble an electronic speaker with two oscillators.

drugiVJponedeljek / Nataša Berk: next chapter/naslednje poglavje/nächstes Kapitel
14. June 2021 at 20:00
Kulturni inkubator, Koroška ulica 18, Maribor
With slow leafing, in uneven, but still somehow rhythmic movements // Kulturni inkubator invites you to the second VJMonday, where we host Nataša Berk.

Moritz Simon Geist: MR-808 Interactive
4. June - 20. June 2021
Interactive installation is a social experiment in music and social drumming with robots. An oversized robotic drumming device designed for social music creation, invites you on playful exploration of sound, digitization and DIY sound techniques.

BridA: Micro:bit
3. June 2021 at 16:00
workshop for children 9+ v Kulturnem inkubatorju, Maribor
In the Micro: bit workshop, we will focus on programming of software interface devices that can control light and sounds!

Sintisajzer Teensy
2. June 2021 at 17:00
workshop for young and adults Pisarni KMŠ, Maribor
How to create an oscillator with the Teensy sound tool? How to adjust Arduino code so that you can freely add potentiometers and sensors to your synthesizer?

Paths of interspecies communication
29. May 2021 at 18:00
sound workshop for children 9+ v KD Cerknica
During the workshop, participants learn about the differences between sound communication and sound creativity of different animal species, which extend to how animals communicate.

Brida: DIY – How to collectively paint
27. May 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for kids 9+ in the Kulturni inkubator, Maribor
This is not only an interactive workshop but also a performance where participants take pictures based on sound instructions.

26. May 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for students in the Kulturni inkubator, Maribor
You can use PixeLBrooch to determine exactly what she will say: she can print any text that you program into her chip!

Tilen Sepič: Cosmic Rain
24. May - 19. June 2021
Light and sound installation as part of the Light Guerrilla Festival in the Small Gallery of Banka Slovenija
As part of the Svetlobna Gverrila festival, Sepič's project is presented; flashes of light and the movement of electromagnets, generating sound are co-dependent on the captured signals from the muon detectors.

The Sound Microscope
22. May 2021 at 18:00
sound workshop for children 7+ in KD Cerknica
Sound workshop under the mentor-ship of musician Andrej Fon and media artist, musician and designer of electronic instruments Staš Vrenko.

Clusterduck: Memes as Hyperstitional Technology*
21. May 2021 at 10:30
online workshop by Axioma
Can a meme change the reality we live in? Which were the most influential or maybe even magical memes in the history of the web? Can we subvert those mediatic strategies from a grassroots standpoint?

Václav Peloušek: An adventure in creative tools
20. May 2021 at 17:00
A community project in osmo/za, Ljubljana
As part of a two-month art residency in the eighth grade, artist Václav Peloušek, in close cooperation with the local community, will lead the development of a new creative tool.

Brida: Robotic present
20. May 2021 at 16:00
Kulturni inkubator, Koroška ulica 18, Maribor
Participants will assemble a robot and define a program for function control. Through the creative process participants will collaborate, exchange opinions, intertwine and resolve complex technological terms and tools.

19. May 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for students in Pisarna KMŠ, Maribor
You can use PixeLBrooch to determine exactly what she will say: she can print any text that you program into her chip!

Paths of interspecies communication
15. May 2021 at 11:30
Workshop for kids 9+ in Ljubljana
The workshop, which will take place using a silent disco system, is fully recorded and used by downloading the mentor’s transmitter, playing to the participants.

BridA: Plantportation / Q-modul
13. May - 5. June 2021
Artistic project in Simulaker Gallery, Novo mesto
A multi-layer venture into the dimension of quantum entanglement and thereby its possible theoretical consequences and interactions, which also include quantum teleportation.

#drugiVJMonday @ Incubator: Cryptoevangelist
10. May 2021 at 20:00
video dialog, Kulturni inkubator, Koroška c. 18, Maribor
As part of the fourth edition of the #drugiVJponedeljek events, a performance Cryptocurrency by a pseudonymous artists Kriptoevangelist will be presented.

(re) programming: Interdependence / Posthuman policy
10. May 2021 at 19:00
The series of streaming events
A step into the future: vision is what prevails: we have survived; moreover, we've adapted to thrive and thus improved ourselves.

Create a table lamp
28. April 2021 at 16:00
Workshop for 9+ in the Cultural Incubator, Maribor
With the help of a laser cutter and the Inkscape design tool, the children make their own unique lamp,

Code Poetry
23. April 2021 at 16:00
Online workshop
In the workshop, we will compare lines of code with poetry, get to know the genre of code poetry, try to interpret it and write our own code songs.

Paths of interspecies communication
20. April 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for kids 9+ MC Velenje
The workshop, which will take place using a silent disco system, is fully recorded and used by downloading the mentor’s transmitter, playing to the participants.

(𝗿𝗲)𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝗘𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗴𝘆 / 𝗖𝗮𝗻 𝗪𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲?
19. April 2021 at 19:00
Online conference series
A deep dive into the envisioning, development, and deployment of tactics and schemes for deliberately intervening in the environment.

#drugiVJponedeljek @ Inkubator: Monika Pocrnjić
12. April 2021 at 20:00
video dialog, Kulturni inkubator, Koroška c. 18, Maribor
"Draw with your face", an interactive installation intended for creating a light composition in a shop window, invites you on a playfully exploration and experiment with digital drawing.

The paradoxes of smart communities
9. April 2021 at 19:00
Online panel discussion
How to create smart communities that can rely on high technologies to meet societal needs in line with the goals of sustainable development? How to move from purely good user experience and cross-cutting European trends to developing deeper, strategic partnerships between providers and users of social and cultural infrastructure?

Gregor Krpič: AuDIY echo
30. March 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for youth 14+, MC Velenje
At the 3-hour workshop, participants will create each of their effects, which is used in popular and electronic music, e.g. to create densely overlaid textures of notes with rhythms.

29. March 2021 at 17:00
Experiential workshop for children 8+ and families, in LokalPatriot Novo mesto
Nature has always awakened in scientists and artists a sense of exploration, admiration and beauty. With the help of the silent disco system, the children will get to know the world of contemporary artists and the method of artistic research and observation of the environment.

A game of Reflexes
25. March 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for children 9+ in the Kulturni inkubator, Maribor
In this workshop, we will learn how to create a simple game with the help of a microcontroller and what is the background for programming basic commands, such as pressing a key so that the game detects and saves our response.

We Need to Talk, AI
24. March - 12. April 2021
Comics exhibition in the MediaNox gallery, Maribor
Will robots do all the unpleasant work for us in thirty years? Or will they subdue us to become submissive slaves? All this in an exhibition - in a comic book - We Need to Talk, AI.

Robotic present
22. March 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for kids 7+ at MC Oton, Novo Mesto
The intermedia workshop promotes an in-depth understanding of robotics and its involvement in art, safety, production. Are we aware of the potential of new and emerging technologies surrounding us?

Animated poetry on World Poetry Day
21. March 2021 at 18:00
Video animation at the Kulturni inkubator, Maribor
konS in cooperation with the literary program MKC Črka, in the street exhibition at the Kulturni inkubator in Maribor, premieres two graphic animations of poetry: a piece of art for everyone on the day of poetry.

wires + buttons = keyboard
18. March 2021 at 17:00
workshop for children 9-14, Kulturni inkubator, Maribor
On the workshop we will assemble a simple prototype of a keyboard from several keys or. buttons. In the workshop, young intermedia enthusiasts will learn the basics of potentiometers, what is their role in different devices, what they can control and how they can be set to affect sound.

Paths of interspecies communication
15. March 2021 at 17:00
worshop for children 8-13, Local Patriot, Novo mesto
The workshop, which will take place using a silent disco system, is fully recorded and used by down-loading the mentor’s transmitter, playing to the participants.

3D modeling: Let’s animate the world
15. March - 1. April 2021
workshop, Akademiji za umetnost, UNG
The 3D modeling workshop in the Blender program is intended for individuals who are interested in making 3D models for animation and 3D printing. The workshop provides the basic knowledge of the program and optimized processes.

3D modeling: Let’s color the world
15. March - 1. April 2021
workshop, Akademiji za umetnost, UNG
The 3D modeling workshop in the Blender program is intended for individuals who are interested in making 3D models for animation and 3D printing. The workshop provides the basic knowledge of the program and optimized processes

3D modeling: Let’s animate a room and furniture
15. March - 1. April 2021
workshop, Akademiji za umetnost, UNG
The 3D modeling workshop in the Blender program is intended for individuals who are interested in making 3D models for animation and 3D printing. The workshop provides the basic knowledge of the program and optimized processes.

(re)programming: Infrastructure An Alternative Earth
15. March 2021 at 19:00
The series of streaming events (re)programming
Our apocalyptic, post-colonial fantasies obscure our vision. We dream of thriving under the impossible conditions of distant planets but fail to imagine establishing better ones on earth

13. March 2021 at 11:30
Outdoor workshop for children 8-13 at Cona Zavod, Ljubljana
Even today, many artists find most inspiration in nature: this is the source of our workshop, where we will learn about the world of contemporary artists and the method of artistic research and environmental observation with the help of the silent disco system.

Sensors, lights and sound signals
11. March 2021 at 17:00
Workshop for children 9+ in Kulturni inkubator, Maribor
Workshop is intended for everyone who wants to get to know sensors in a fun way: young intermedia enthusiasts will learn the basics of sensors and their connections to microcontrollers, as well as practical operation.

Sensors, lights and sound signals
11. March 2021 at 17:00
workshop for children 9+, Kulturni inkubator, Maribor
Workshop is intended for everyone who wants to get to know sensors in a fun way: young intermedia enthusiasts will learn the basics of sensors and their connections to microcontrollers, as well as practical operation.

Paths of interspecies communication
6. March 2021 at 11:30
Outdoor experiential workshop for kids 8-13
Workshop with the use of the silent disco system: get to know the sound world of animals, discover different ways of sound communication and explore how animals create.

BridA: Robotic present
2. March 2021 at 16:00
Workshop for everyone 7+ MC Velenje / RC Kunigunda
Let's delve into learning about robotics and its involvement in our daily lives! Workshop participants will assemble a robot and use the program to define and change its functions. Through the creative process, we will demystify complex technological terms and tools.

1. March 2021 at 16:00
Workshop for kids 9+ at MC Oton, Novo Mesto
This is not only an interactive workshop but also a performance where participants make paintings based on sound instructions. The workshop is interesting because it uses technology to de-construct the art process to the point that it calls into question all the consolidated foundations of art creation.

Remote laser processing
25. February 2021 at 17:00
Online workshop for kids 9+
Basics of working with a laser cutter and engraver: the workshop will refresh the theory and encourage creativity. With the help of the basic design tool “Inkscape”, the workshop will create its own products. Working still at a distance, but still very close!

Radiate shapes
23. February - 25. February 2021
Online workshop for youth and adults
What is video mapping? It is about projecting video content on a specific surface, shape or a form built for this purpose. The content of the projections can be designed specifically to fit the selected shapes. The cycle of three workshops includes a short introduction, presentation of examples of video mapping and a practical exercise.

22. February 2021 at 16:00
Workshop for kids 9+ at MC Oton, Novo Mesto
This is not only an interactive workshop but also a performance where participants make paintings based on sound instructions. The workshop is interesting because it uses technology to de-construct the art process to the point that it calls into question all the consolidated foundations of art creation.

Lasering rules
18. February 2021 at 17:00
Online workshop for kids 9+
Basics of working with a laser cutter and engraver - also through online education. The workshop is intended to get acquainted with the technology of laser cutting and engraving, with materials and methods.

(re)programming: Trigger
15. February 2021 at 19:00
Online conference series (re)programming
We have found ourselves at the crossroads of an existential decision: do we bring the mistakes of the enlightenment to their biological conclusion or do we develop a magical capacity to self-renew? Marta Peirano will discuss what could be the wake-up call for rethinking our place as humans on the only planet we have, and the promising tools Kim Stanley Robinson discovered during his years of research.

Draw with the code
9. February 2021 at 17:00
Online workshop for youth
By creating varied visual drawings or animations we get to know the basic concepts of programming and programming languages and drawing on a computer screen. What are variables, conditional statements, strings, and functions? How to use them to draw, design, animate and paint shapes on the screen?

2. February 2021 at 08:00
Audio workshop fot youth
The workshop is based around the artwork of Manja Ristić entitled Sonic Ontology of Negligence. It is part of a continuous artistic research based on listening to abandoned spaces and landscapes that have been radically transformed by man through his presence and exploitation, but are now "handed over" to nature again.

Tara Pattenden / TEENSYnth
30. January 2021 at 10:00
online workshop 14+ and adults
At the on-line workshop we will experiment and explore the sound options derived by Teensy board 3.2.

3D printing
21. January 2021 from 17:00 until 20:00
Online workshop
Let's get to know 3D printing technology, materials that can be printed and, of course, the printer. Also, participants will learn how to design objects in the open source tinkercad program and model each of their objects!

Draw with the code
18. January 2021 from 18:00 until 20:00
Online workshop
By creating varied visual drawings or animations we get to know the basic concepts of programming and programming languages and drawing on a computer screen. What are variables, conditional statements, strings, and functions? How to use them to draw, design, animate and paint shapes on the screen?

18. January 2021 from 17:00 until 20:00
Online workshop
Each of us encounters different cryptographic records, algorithms, and protocols on a daily basis. From online banking, where we need different certificates, to entering communication channels that are more or less encrypted, and cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, which flooded the world a few years ago.
19. December 2020 at 17:00
online workshop 9+
On-line workshop for the youngest! We are sure that your children will be thrilled with it, as it contains as many as 16 bright LEDs,
e-greeting card
16. December 2020 at 17:00
online workshop 9+
This time we will create an interactive Christmas e-greeting card, on-line workshop for children 9+.
Video mapping
16. December - 22. December 2020
online workshop
The workshops in a form of four online meetings, where participants will gain video mapping knowledge through lectures and practical exercises.
!Mediengruppe Bitnik
10. December - 11. December 2020
online workshop
Tracking, Network and Data: Electronic Civil Disobedience Workshop with !Mediengruppe Bitnik, join the exploration of hidden, unmapped networks in the world around us.

Boštjan Perovšek ≡ Zvočni dogodek na osnovi umetniškega dela Zvočna prepletanja
23. October - 2. December 2020
predstavitev projekta v Modni hiši Maribor
Umetniško delo Zvočna prepletanja deluje na področju spajanja znanosti in umetnosti.

Zoran Srdić Janežič ≡ Biobot: Laboratorijska situacija (razvoj)
23. October - 2. December 2020
predstavitev projekta v Modni hiši Maribor

Miranda Moss & Daniel Brownell ≡ Gallus Gallus Roboticus (spletnI arhiv razvoja projekta)
23. October - 2. December 2020
predstavitev projekta v Modni hiši Maribor

konS modul ≡ Maribor // spletni pogovori in okrogle mize
23. October - 2. December 2020
spletno okolje

Boštjan Čadež ≡ Line Rider (VR Game – v nastajanju)
2. October - 2. December 2020
predstavitev projekta v Modni hiši Maribor

Mojca Založnik & Gregor Krpič ≡ Mejna nedoločenost
11. October - 20. October 2019
razstava v sklopu MFRU (Pristan, Maribor)

Matej Stupica in Jaka Berger ≡ Partija
11. October - 20. October 2019
razstava v sklopu MFRU (Pristan, Maribor)
Kakšen zvok ima tenzija med svobodnim igranjem in igranjem s strogimi pravili, tekmovanjem in nepredvidljivostjo, arbitrarnostjo in improvizacijo?

Robertina Šebjanič, Aleš Hieng – Zergon, Ida Hiršenfelder ≡ Kristalni vrtovi
11. October - 20. October 2019
razstava v sklopu MFRU (Pristan, Maribor)